Well Intentioned but Precarious New Board Directions

with John Littleford

DATE: October 17, 2020 (Saturday)

TIME: 8:30AM HK Time

FORMAT: Zoom Video


INTENDED AUDIENCE: Board members and heads of school.

This is FREE to Heads and Trustees of EARCOS member schools


Some boards want more engagement in operations than ever before. These requests/directions are motivated generally by board members who want to help heads and school leadership during the COVID-19 crisis, but it also reflects a disturbing trend that is a challenge to good governance and the principles of best practice.

While heads and chairs may try to make some reasonable accommodations for board members wanting a greater “ voice," it also potentially opens a Pandora's box of risks. What are some recent examples of this? How do you spot the trend early and nip it in the bud? What do boards and heads do about this if they are already struggling?

John Littleford

John Littleford served as teacher, trustee and head of school for over 25 years. For the past 28 years he has been a consultant to over 5000 independent and international schools. His clients also include corporations, foundations, universities and a range of other non-profit organizations. Mr. Littleford's areas of expertise include: board governance, strategic planning, executive and faculty compensation and evaluation; executive searches; marketing strategies including admissions; fund raising, managing change; school climate; institutional and financial audits; and team building.

His widely read landmark book, "Faculty Salary Systems in Independent Schools" was published by the National Association of Independent Schools for 20 years. John Littleford speaks and leads workshops at Conferences all over the world. Littleford & Associates' Newsletter is published four times a year and is widely read by 25,000 trustees and school and not for profit leaders.

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Position (Director, Board Chair, Board Trustee):
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