Dog Ear Cleaning Training Study

Do you have a dog or puppy who you would like to train to be cooperative during ear cleaning? We are looking for dogs who have never or rarely (<5 times) had their ears cleaned to join our dog training study. The study is prospective and virtual, meaning that owners will perform the training in their own homes.

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to test an owner-performed training protocol focused on increasing dog cooperation with ear cleaning. This includes both wiping the inside of the ear as well as, optionally, getting ear drops into the ear. 

How it works: If you and your dog are eligible, you will be provided with a specific set of training instructions. Instructions will include training your dog to perform a chin rest, allow you handle their ears, cleaning the inner ear with a dry or wet cotton ball, and (optional) putting drops into your dog’s ears. Training will use treats and/or toys as the main reinforcers. Owners will be provided with $25 gift cards to Petco or Amazon upon completion of the study and data submission. Given the varying medical needs of different dogs, owners will be responsible for providing their own ear cleaner.


To be eligible, dogs must:


To be eligible, owners must:

Funder: This study is funded by Fear Free (Fear Free Research | Fear Free Pets).

The study is full at this time 

Contact us to learn more: Mindy Waite, principal investigator, at

Study Team:

Mindy Waite, PhD, MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (

Tiffany Kodak, PhD, BCBA-D, Marquette University

Audrey Whang, DVM, Shorewood Animal Hospital