June 21, 2022

EAISA 2022
Workshop on Edge AI for Smart Agriculture


The goal of the 1st Workshop on Edge AI for Smart Agriculture (EAISA) is to provide a forum for scientists, engineers and researchers to discuss and exchange novel ideas, results, experiences and work-in-process on aspects related to the use and deployment of Edge Artificial Intelligence for smart and sustainable agriculture.

While intelligent systems for smart agriculture (and smart cities, in a wider view) are becoming widely available, they are mostly based on remote facilities for analysis and decision-making. Bringing AI to the edge is a way to cope with the many constraints such as limited communication capabilities and power supply. This also brings new challenges, such as energy efficiency and adapting AI models to low-capacity processors.

Attendees will appreciate and benefit from multidisciplinary exchanges on these hot topics. Through this workshop, we expect people from various communities to meet and exchange during the meetings and specific slots of time will be dedicated to open discussions.


Topics of interest include any aspects that are related, connected and/or could be of benefits to smart and sustainable agriculture. This includes and is not limited to:

  • Edge Computing and Internet of Things

  • Edge AI, Distributed AI, Federated AI

  • Machine learning and Big Data on the Edge

  • Quantized models and TPU models

  • Data Analysis and prediction using Big data Analytics

  • Yield prediction and optimization

  • Monitoring and discrimination of plant diseases

  • Climate condition monitoring and automate systems

  • Smart agriculture and urban farming

  • Smart irrigation

  • Applications to greenhouse horticulture

  • Crop monitoring, Livestock monitoring

  • Intelligent Agro-Food chain system

  • Waste management for agriculture 2.0

  • Communication and Networking

  • Drone-based applications

  • Low-cost solutions for wide-area exploitations and developing countries

  • Prototype systems, testbeds and real-world deployment experiences

  • Secure Services and Protocols

  • Energy Efficiency

  • Renewable-energy based devices

Position papers are also welcome and should be clearly marked as such.


Program Committee

  • Luiz Angelo Steffenel, Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne, France (Chair)

  • Nathalie Gaveau, Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne, France

  • Lucas Mohimont, Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne, France

  • Rachel Ouvinha de Oliveira, Institut George Chappaz de la Vigne et du Vin, France

  • Marine Rondeau, Champagne Vranken-Pommery, France

  • Marcello Coppola, ST Microelectronics, France

  • Amine Chemchem, ATOS, France