Explainable Agency in Artificial Intelligence Workshop

36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 28-March 1 2022

Invited Talks

Cynthia Rudin

Duke University


Chenhao Tan

University of Chicago


Eric Ragan

University of Florida


Panel I

Interactive Explainability

Cristina Conati

University of British Columbia

Mark Neerincx

TU Delf

Nava Tintarev

Maastricht University

Panel II

Explainability and Causality

Subbarao Kambhampati

Arizona State University

Prashan Madumal

University of Melbourne

Laurie Paul

Yale University


Day 1 (28th Feb)

time zone GMT

18:00 Welcome & Opening Remarks (10 min)

18:10 Invited Talk I (40 + 10 min) Cynthia Rudin

19:00 Paper presentations Session 1 (1h20)

19:00 Nidhi Rastogi, Sara Rampazzi, Michael Clifford, Miriam Heller, Karl Levitt and Matt Bishop

Explaining RADAR features for detecting spoofing attacks n Autonomous Vehicles

19:16 Solon Barocas and Manish Raghavan

Explanations in Whose Interests?

19:32 Ashok Goel, Vrinda Nandan, Eric Gregori, Sungeun An, and Spencer Rugaber

Explanation as Question Answering based on User Guide

19:48 Cheng-Han Chiang and Hung-Yi Lee

Re-Examining Human Annotations for Interpretable NLP

20:04 Nicholas Halliwell, Fabien Gandon, Freddy Lecue, and Serena Villata

The Need for Empirical Evaluation of Explanation Quality

20:20 Break (20 min)

20:40 Panel Discussion I (1h20) Mark Neerincx, Nava Tintarev, Cristina Conati Interactive Explainability

22:00 Break (20 min)

22:20 Paper presentations Session 2 (1h20)

22:20 Sharmi Dev Gupta, Begum Genc and Barry O'Sullivan

Finding Counterfactual Explanations through Constraint Relaxations

22:36 Michael Lee, Henny Admoni and Reid Simmons

Counterfactual Examples for Human Inverse Reinforcement Learning

22:52 Anjana Wijekoon and Nirmalie Wiratunga

DisCERN for Code Vulnerability Detection and Correction

23:08 Lars Holmberg, Paul Davidsson, and Per Linde

Mapping Knowledge Representations to Concepts: A Review and New Perspectives

23:24 Meir Nizri, Noam Hazon, and Amos Azaria

Explainable Shapley-Based Allocation

23:40 Invited Talk II (40 min) Chenhao Tan

00:30 Closing Remarks (5 min)

00:35 End of Day 1

Day 2 (1st March)

time zone GMT

18:00 Welcome & Opening Remarks (10 min)

18:10 Invited Talk III (40 + 10 min) Eric Ragan

19:00 Paper presentations Session 3 (1h20)

19:00 Minal Suresh Patil

Explainability in autonomous pedagogically structured scenarios

19:16 Stephanie Milani, Nicholay Topin, Zheyuan Ryan Shi, Charles Kamhoua, Evangelos Papalexakis, and Fei Fang

Extracting Decision-Tree Policies for Interpretable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

19:32 Abhijeet Krishnan and Chris Martens

Towards the Automatic Synthesis of Interpretable Chess Tactics

19:48 Pulkit Verma, Shashank Rao Marpally, and Siddharth Srivastava

Discovering User-Interpretable Capabilities of Black-Box Planning Agents

20:04 Vanessa Moody, Jeff Druce, and James Niehaus

Demonstration of an Explainable AI System Performing Human-Machine Teaming in a Real-Time Strategy Game

20:20 Break (20 min)

20:40 Panel Discussion II (1h20 hour) Subbarao Kambhampati, Prashan Madumal, Laurie Paul Explainability and Causality

22:00 Planned Discussion (40 min)

22:45 Closing Remarks (5 min)

22:50 End of Day 2