About E.A.A. Chapter 78

EAA members represent every aspect of aviation and often have multiple interests. We fly them. We fix them. We even build them.

EAA members are what we like to call the "keepers of the flame." Sure, we love airplanes. But it goes beyond that.

It's about passion, camaraderie, that ol' can-do spirit, and a grassroots way of sharing our love of aviation with others.

It’s the airplanes that bring us together. It’s the people who keep us coming back.

We are…

A community of passionate aviation enthusiasts that promotes and supports recreational flying.

Our vision…

A vibrant and growing aviation community.

Our mission…

To grow participation in aviation by promoting the “Spirit of Aviation.”

We serve the community by:

  • Inspiring new participants in aviation
  • Inviting the public to experience flight
  • Providing a compelling view of possibilities
  • Nurturing interest in aviation
  • Supporting clear pathways to participation
  • Enriching the participation experience
  • Protecting rights and the freedom to fly
  • Encouraging affordable flying in a local environment
  • Cultivating and providing knowledge, information, and resources
  • Embracing diverse interests, camaraderie, and fun
  • Supporting and promoting aviation events and activities