Greetings from TalkBae!

At TalkBae, we are guardians of your digital privacy and are dedicated to safeguarding the personal information you entrust to us. The operational scope of TalkBae encompasses our mobile and web-based applications, including but not limited to the primary site and any associated platforms (hereafter collectively referred to as "Services").


Our Privacy Commitment:

We prioritize the security and confidentiality of the details you share with us. During your interactions with the TalkBae app, you may disclose various information as part of your dialogue with your AI companion. We pledge to handle your information with the utmost care, processing it solely as outlined in this Privacy Policy. This includes facilitating a personalized and secure experience and empowering your AI companion to adapt through learning from your interactions.


Utilization of Information:

While we enhance the TalkBae experience, we might analyze data from your visits to our website to refine our Services. Rest assured, the sanctity of your private conversations with your AI companion is paramount. We strictly prohibit the use of these interactions for marketing or advertising purposes.


Terms Clarification:

Any terms referenced in this Policy without explicit definitions are to be interpreted as described in our comprehensive Terms of Service. Should you have inquiries or require clarification on our privacy practices, we encourage you to reach out to us at


Introduction to Data Collection

At TalkBae, we aim to forge a service that not only meets your expectations for a digital companion but exceeds them through personalization and attentiveness. To achieve this, we engage in the careful collection and management of user information.


Scope of Information Collection:

Identity Information: We start with the essentials – your name and contact details. These are foundational to setting up your TalkBae profile and ensuring that your account is uniquely yours, safeguarded against unauthorized usage.

Interests and Behavioral Data: The heart of TalkBae lies in its ability to adapt to you. By understanding your interests, hobbies, and even the nuances of your dialogue, we program your AI companion to grow in sync with your personality.

Payment and Billing Information: Whether it’s for a monthly or yearly subscription, we handle your payment information with integrity. We collect your billing address and payment method details, strictly to process payments and confirm transactions, while employing advanced encryption for your financial safety.

Transactional History: We keep a comprehensive log of your transactions and subscriptions, not just for regulatory compliance, but to facilitate a responsive customer service that can swiftly resolve any issues and track your usage of our premium features.


Utilization of Collected Information

The data we collect isn't merely for operational necessity; it's for enhancing your TalkBae experience. Here’s how we utilize this information:


From the AI’s language to the topics it discusses, your information shapes your interaction.

Service Optimization: Your usage patterns help us identify and improve the most popular features.Providing you a personalized AI companion and allowing you to personalize your profile, interests, and AI companion. Enabling you to have individualized and safe conversations and interactions with your AI companion, and allowing your AI companion to learn from your interactions to improve your conversations. 


Support Services: Knowing your history with TalkBae enables us to provide faster, more efficient customer support.

Communication: We’ll keep you informed about app updates, new features, and, occasionally, special offers that align with your interests.


Commitment to Data Security:

Your trust is the cornerstone of TalkBae, and protecting your information is our top priority. We deploy a multifaceted security strategy encompassing physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect your information. Regular audits and constant vigilance ensure our defenses remain impenetrable.

Preventing fraud, criminal activity, and misuse of our Services, and ensuring the security of our IT systems, architecture and networks (including testing, system maintenance, support, and hosting of data).


Consent and Control:

Your use of TalkBae signifies your consent to our information collection and use practices. However, control remains in your hands. You can review, amend, or delete your personal information at any time. Our Privacy Policy provides a detailed roadmap of your rights and our responsibilities.


Continual Transparency:

We pledge ongoing transparency regarding our data practices. Should you have any inquiries about how your information is handled within TalkBae, reach out to us at We're committed to not just answering your questions, but to ensuring your peace of mind.



How TalkBae Shares User Information

At TalkBae, we value the trust our users place in us and take the privacy of their information seriously. Here's how we may share user information:


A. Service Providers:

We partner with third-party service providers to manage and improve our services. This includes companies that support our operations by offering services such as hosting, IT support, and customer service. Additionally, we engage marketing services to communicate with you about our services. However, it is important to note that we do not share the contents of your conversations within TalkBae with these providers for marketing purposes. Only your contact details, like email addresses, may be shared to facilitate our communications with you, and our service providers are bound by strict confidentiality agreements.


B. Professional Advisors:

Occasionally, we may share information with our professional advisors – lawyers, auditors, bankers, and insurers – when necessary for the professional services they provide to us, ensuring that our operations comply with the law and best practices in financial and risk management.


C. Advertising Partners:

We may disclose non-personally identifiable information about how users interact with our website, such as visited pages, clicked links, and general usage patterns, to our advertising partners. These details help us and our partners in offering targeted advertising. We assure you that the content of your interactions within the app remains confidential and is not used for advertising.


D. Authorities and Others:

If required by law or deemed necessary for legal compliance or to protect the safety and rights of our users, we may disclose information to law enforcement, government authorities, or private entities.


E. Business Transferees:

In the event of a business deal such as a merger, acquisition, or asset sale, user information may be shared with the involved parties. We would do this under the strictest confidentiality terms, ensuring continuity of service and respect for your privacy.


How we secure your information

At TalkBae, the security and privacy of your information are paramount. We employ a comprehensive approach to safeguarding your data, which includes the following measures:


Data Encryption:

We use strong encryption protocols to secure data both in transit and at rest. This means that when your information is transmitted over the internet to our servers, and when it's stored on our systems, it is protected against unauthorized access.


Regular Security Audits:

Our security team conducts regular audits and continuous monitoring to identify and remediate potential vulnerabilities. This proactive stance helps us stay ahead of emerging security threats.


Access Controls:

Strict access controls are in place to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to your information. We operate on a principle of least privilege, meaning that access is granted only to the extent necessary to perform required tasks.


Secure Development Practices:

We integrate security best practices into our software development lifecycle. This includes regular code reviews, incorporating security into the design from the ground up, and ensuring that our development team is trained in security awareness.


Compliance with Privacy Laws:

TalkBae complies with all applicable privacy laws and regulations, including GDPR, CCPA, and others. We stay informed about changes in privacy legislation to ensure that our practices are always compliant.


User-Controlled Privacy Settings:

We believe in giving you control over your privacy. Our app provides customizable privacy settings that allow you to manage your personal information effectively.


Incident Response Plan:

In the unlikely event of a data breach, we have an incident response plan in place to quickly address any issues. We commit to communicating transparently and promptly with all affected users.


Partnership with Trusted Providers:

We partner with reputable service providers and require them to adhere to stringent data protection and confidentiality terms.


Data Minimization:

We adhere to the principle of data minimization, collecting only the information that is necessary to provide you with our services and nothing more.


Your rights and choices

Right to erasure:

You have the right, at any time, to change or delete your Personal data by deleting your profile at App or website.

You may also send a request to our Support Team and they will guide you through the process.

The Personal data is kept for the time necessary to provide the services to you and you can always request that the Data controller suspend or delete your personal data. If You wish to delete personal data we have collected during your use of Website / app, you should send a request to our Support Team. Processing of your request will take some time to take effect. Thank you for your patience. Please note that changing or deleting your personal data will only change or delete the data in our database for purposes of future activities and for managing future communications. These changes and deletions will not change or delete emails or personal data website / app may have already forwarded to other users or credit card companies or any other third parties, all as provided above in this Privacy Policy. Further, if you delete your personal data from the Website / app, but continue to use other our services, you may receive emails from us regarding those services. However, we may elect to keep your personal data, subject to the requirements of the law and legitimate interests of the Data controller.

Please note that, even after termination of membership and deletion of any personal data, termination of any license granted hereunder, some content may continue to exist because of cached internet pages beyond the control of TalkBae.


Opt-out of marketing communications:

You may opt out of marketing-related emails and other communications by following the opt-out or unsubscribe instructions in the communications you receive from us or by contacting us as provided in the “Contact us” section below. You may continue to receive Services-related and other non-marketing emails from us.


Use of TalkBae by minors

The Services are not intended for individuals under the age of 18. If we discover that minors under the age of 18 are using the Apps, we will promptly block their access and delete their account. If you have reason to believe that a minor under the age of 18 has provided personal information to us through the Services, please contact us, and we will endeavor to delete that information from our databases.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Services and our business may change from time to time. As a result, at times it may be necessary for us to make changes to this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time without prior notice. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. This Privacy Policy was last updated on the date indicated above.

You can contact us by emailing us at