E-commerce is slowly becoming the de-facto way of shopping and purchasing the things we need. Do you use a digital wallet? Many people don't know what's that, so if you decide to give a presentation to show what digital wallets are, these infographics will improve the way you present data, since you can use them to provide statistics, customer opinions, the evolution of e-commerce and many more things. Customize and adapt the designs to your needs!

Experts from Government and industry, including BSI, Deutsche Telekom Security, GSMA, ENISA, EU Commission, NXP Semiconductors, Orange and Thales, shared their unique perspectives and learnings around the implementation of digital identity schemes for the 27 EU member states, the rollout of the first EUDI app pilots, and considerations for the certification and governance of EUDI wallets.

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For more insight on the European Digital Identity wallet and why security, interoperability and trust are key pillars for success download our whitepaper and read this blog from Chair of the GlobalPlatform eID Wallet Task Force.

There are interactions between a wallet and relying party that require passinginformation between the two. This specification provides an initial protocoldefinition for the two main interactions (issuance and presentation) requiredfor verifiable credentials.

CHAPI is an API forexchanging data between websites and browsers. It was seen as too limited to aparticular technology to be widely useful for wallet applications on smartphones and other devices without significant changes.

Presentation Exchange objects support a large variety of possible content andsignature types. As this version of our specification has a limited scope, anumber of considerations need to be made forpresentation definitionsto provide what we need.

To allow for selective disclosure of Verifiable Credential claims the use of aBbsBlsSignature2020 or BbsBlsBoundSignature2020 is required for thecredential. These signatures allows for a zero knowledge proof of the originalsignature, allowing the prover to derive a correspondingBbsBlsSignatureProof2020 or BbsBlsBoundSignatureProof2020 that will verifythe disclosed claims. BbsBlsBoundSignature2020 andBbsBlsBoundSignatureProof2020 also provide a mechanism for privately bindingcredentials and presentations to the holder.

The method for a verifier to provide a JSON-LD frame is to add a frameproperty to the presentation definition object. The value of the frameproperty MUST be aJSON-LD framefor an object that complies with the W3C VC Data Model.

It is important that the JSON-LD frame object be compatiblewith the input descriptors of the presentation definition. There is an assumeddirect mapping between the JSON-LD frame object and the corresponding inputdescriptor object in the presentation definition. If a presentation definitionhas a JSON-LD frame that is inconsistent with the input descriptors, it may beimpossible to produce an acceptable verifiable presentation for it.

The v2.0.0 Presentation Exchange specification defines a frame property for a presentation definition. This means that implementers of Presentation Exchange who wish to use the protocol described here can use the latestJSON Schema from Presentation Exchangeto validate presentation definition objects that contain a frame property.

The Issuer sends a Issue Credential - Offer Credential message to Holder. The message attachment contains a Credential Manifest message from Credential Manifest Spec. The Credential Manifest message contains an output descriptor to display the Credential preview to the user and an optional presentation definition, in case the issuer needs any other credential before issuing the new credential.

Within the presentation_definition object the input_descriptor describesspecifically which data elements are requested by the verifier. There may be adeterministic process that can be applied to input_descriptors to generate theframe object, however that work is out of scope and not required at thisstage. The input_descriptors describe where the properties in the selectivedisclosure credential are and the frame describes how to derive that selectivedisclosure credential.

It is anticipated that future versions of this specification will describe howto exchange presentations using a number of different transport protocols. Forthis version, anything other than the subset of DIDComm V2 that is describedhere is out of scope.

User-centric digital identity initiatives are emerging with a mission to shift control over online identity disclosures to the individual. However, there is little representation of prospective users in discussions of the merits of empowering users with new data management responsibilities and the acceptability of new technologies. We conducted a user study comprising a contextual inquiry and semi-structured interviews using a prototype decentralized identity wallet app with 30 online participants. Our usability analysis uncovered misunderstandings about decentralized identifiers (DIDs) and pain points relating to using QR codes and following the signposting of cross-device user journeys. In addition, the technology did not readily resolve questions about whether the user, identity provider, or relying party was in control of data at crucial moments. We also learned that users' judgments of data minimization encompass a broader scope of issues than simply the technical provision of the identity wallet. Our results contribute to understanding future user-centric identity technologies from the view of privacy and user acceptance.

The EDCI wallet is a Stateless Rest API service with the main purpose of receiving, storing and serving credentials. It also can validate a credential or verifiable presentation signature and format, as well as creating and managing temporal share links for this credentials or verifiable presentations.

The wallet application is divided into 8 modules that can also be split in 2 groups, those that are necessary for the app functionality, and extra modules that are not required but provide extra functionality.

The next two projects are shared across by multiple of the EDCI applications and are declared as a maven dependency. As a result, these two projects must be downloaded and compiled (or uploaded to a repository) prior to the EDCI wallet project for the dependencies to be available.

The EDCI wallet allows for wallets to be created through a creation endpoint based on an email and a userId. If the credential request is sent only with the email field, a temporal wallet will be created. On the other hand, if the credential request is sent with both the userId and the email, the system will try to find a temporal wallet with the specified email and update it to a permanent one.

The EDCI wallet project provides a way to add a credential to a wallet based on a user ID and an XML File. Before storing the XML file, the wallet will first check that it is signed and the signature is a qualified qseal, and depending no configuration it will be allowed or not. It is required the the uploaded credential follows the European Data Model framework.

The EDCI wallet project also provides a way to add a verifiable presentation based on a user ID and an XML file. Similar to the Credential XMLs, it can be configured to accept or reject the unsigned verifiable presentation, and must also follow the European Learning Model framework. Here, once again the signature is checked to verify that belongs to a qualified qseal and will be allowed to be stored or not based on configuration.

It is possible to share a credential by creating a sharelink of a credential that is stored in a temporal wallet. When creating a sharelink, an expiration date must be supplied, and the user that is creating the sharelink must be the owner of the credential.

The basic function of the wallet is to serve stored XML credentials that reside in the wallets to different applications that make use of those. This functionality is available in both JSON and XML format at the same endpoint, the desired format can be specified with the "accept" header When serving a Credential, an Identity check is performed, meaning that a credential is only available to the owner.

The wallet can also serve stored XML for verifiable presentation inside of the wallets. Similar to the XML Credentials, applications may make use of those in a variety of ways, or simply download it. When doing this, the credential will be transformed into a shared credential and embedded into a Verifiable presentation. Once again, this functionality is available in both JSON and XML format at the same endpoint, by setting the "accept" header. Also, when serving a Verifiable presentation, an Identity check is performed, meaning that a credential is only available to the owner.

The wallet can export verifiable presentations from any of the credentials or verifiable presentations stored. Once again, any credential will be transformed into a shared credential and embedded into a Verifiable presentation. Also, there is an Identity check when trying to export a credential, meaning that only the owner is able to do that.

The EDCI Wallet requires an OAUTH Identity provider. Although the EDCI wallet is a stateless REST API and does not provide login functionality, it acts as a resource server and some of the endpoints are only available to wallet owners.

Keep in mind that any application that makes use of the wallet and requires access tot secured endpoints must use the same IDP as the EDCI Wallet. The configuration for the oauth Identity provider can be found in the security_[profile].properties file of the edci-wallet-web project.

As users collect more credentials, having to manually manage them (figuring out which are current, and which are appropriate for a given relying party) becomes infeasible. Unlike unstructured credentials (e.g., many .pdf files), which would require a user to manually select which data to share, verifiable credentials lend themselves to credential exchange protocols that are easier for end-users. These protocols are typically implemented for the user through the user's wallet (or other software agents) interacting with the requesting party. 006ab0faaa

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