
The meeting will be held in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Glasgow, at 132 University Place, Glasgow G12 8TA.

This is a 5 minute walk from the Hillhead subway stop.

If you reach Glasgow by train (at the Glasgow Queen Street or Glasgow Central) or by bus (arriving at Buchanan Bus Station), the easiest way to reach the venue is to take the subway at the stops of St. Enoch or Buchanan Street, and ride the Inner Route for about 10 minutes to Hillhead.

If you fly into Glasgow, the bus line 500 will take you from the airport to Buchanan Bus Station, from which you can take the subway at the Buchanan Street stop.

In the current pandemic context, we are aware of the extra precautions needed if we want to go back to sharing mathematics in person. In line with this, we ask you that you take a lateral flow test before coming to campus. We expect to be able to provide the tests.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers at

Wahei Hara: wahei dot hara at glasgow dot ac dot uk

Franco Rota: franco dot rota at glasgow dot ac dot uk