E-Rate Helper

Helping you navigate the E-Rate application process

Mission of the project

The E-Rate program provides funding for libraries and schools to access affordable internet and telecommunications services. However, the participation rate of libraries is significantly lower than schools. Our project aimed to address this issue by creating a tool that would increase library participation rates. Through surveying over 60 libraries, we created multiple features for our tool to help increase library participation: an application walkthrough, discount rate calculator, peer library comparison, and many more. By making the E-Rate program more accessible to libraries, we hope to bridge the digital divide and improve the lives of those who rely on these services.

E-Rate Helper Home Page

Target Stakeholders and Users

Our project is relatively niche as we already know who our target demographic is. We are targeting librarians and any kind of library administrator that has the power to apply for the E-Rate program. The three stakeholders we identified in this project are librarians/library administrators, library users, and the federal government. 

E-Rate  Walkthrough


As a group, we were tasked with creating a helpful tool to ease the E-Rate program application process for libraries and identifying the main issues they faced. Working with our sponsor, we developed a survey for both participants and non-participants, which asked about their experiences with the application process, understanding of the E-Rate program, roadblocks, advice for non-participants, application tools used, and time spent on applications. Using Qualtrics, we received 65 responses, and our analysis revealed that users required three main features to simplify the application process: a guided walkthrough, a tool to calculate their discount rate, and a feature to identify the three most popular E-Rate items in their area. By developing this tool, we were able to support libraries in their understanding of the E-Rate program, which can provide them with funding and educational support. The next steps are to continue building on the tool with the next team and launch it for libraries to use, monitoring participation in the E-Rate program as we go. 

Discount Rate Comparison


Utilize Qualtrics to survey rural and urban libraries about their experience with the E-Rate Program. The goal of the survey receive a minimum of 30 survey responses, however, the target was surpassed with an impressive total of 65 responses from both participating and non-participating libraries. 

Analyze the survey results to extract meaningful insights.These insights were used to develop features that cater to the needs and preferences of library professionals.

Utilize Figma to develop a user-friendly prototype based on the survey results. This project could have included user personas to deepen the understanding of the target demographic, however, this project is niche enough to where user personas are not needed. 

E-Rate Service Suggestions


The biggest obstacle libraries identified in our survey was the intricate application process. The E-Rate Helper is equipped with an array of features that will assist libraries with this roadblock. Notably, the E-Rate Helper includes an application walkthrough feature that serves as a vital resource for libraries struggling with this obstacle. By leveraging this specific functionality, libraries can effectively overcome the aforementioned roadblock, leading to a tangible increase in participation rates. As more libraries actively engage in the program, a more significant number of them gain access to vital resources for technological advancement and overall improvement. This, in turn, leads to a significant enhancement in the quality of services offered by libraries to their valued consumers. By leveraging the E-Rate Helper, libraries can take a proactive step towards elevating their capabilities and meeting the evolving needs of their consumers.

Meet the team


Tommy has years of experience in property development and is naturally curious about how humans interact with built environments. Tommy can work cross-functionally with many different teams and isn't afraid to develop untraditional solutions for existing problems. He shines when tasked with creating structure out of ambiguity.


Akeel possesses ample experience in different business-centric roles such as consulting and client services. Successfully been a part of numerous teams in which the main objectives have been to deliver positive results to clients . Experienced with analyzing and documenting changes that are critical to essential business functions. 


Jennifer has years of experience in a collaborative environment in customer service. She is a detailed leader who streamlines information and processes across her team. She has experience with R, Python, and SQL in previous courswork. As a future data professional, she is excited to apply her knowledge and ability to new opportunities and challenges.