The Solar System

About The Solar System

  • Our Solar System was created around 12-15 years ago, stemming from the "Big Bang Theory." When the "Big Bang" occurred, matter began to spread everywhere. Little particles were flying out in all directions. As these particles began to settle, they started to collide with each other, forming bigger particles, with most of the matter in the middle, forming what we know now as the sun. This eventually formed an accretionary disk, where other particles and matter circled the center.

  • The planets formed due to the multiple collisions that occurred in the habitable zone, of the accretionary disk. These planets formed a protoplanetary and eventually fell into orbit due to gravitational forces.

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Exploring the Solar System

Everything about the Solar System

Lesson Plan and Activities

Lesson plan
  • Building a solar system out of foam balls, paint, and skewers to hold in place.