About Me

Hello! My name is Bailey Clift, and this is my E-Portfolio!

Basic Facts

  • Bailey Clift

  • she/her

  • February Aquarius

A Little Bit About Me

  • I grew up in Moreno Valley, California.

  • I am the middle child of 3 daughters.

  • I love listening to music and exploring new genres. Lately, I've really been into k-pop.

  • I love Studio Ghibli movies and other animes.

  • I'm always up for an adventure and trying new experiences.

My Career Goals

My career goal is to become an elementary teacher, however, I think I'd like to teach at a high school, as well. I've picked this career because I want to make a difference to children. Growing up, there's always been those teachers that I've always remembered, and I believe have had a deep influence on who I am as a person and my beliefs. I want to be able to be the person that the kids look to as a role model, and even as just a safe adult to be around. Children's education is also very important, and I know that lately, education isn't taken as seriously as it should be, and many students end up falling way behind because of the set system in place, and my goal is to change that. I want kids to love learning.

I'm really excited to be taking this course and I can't wait to use the material gained in this class with my future students. I'm a little nervous about trying to make the connections between topics, however, I'm eager to learn with my peers and figure it out together.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

My SMART goal for this class is to obtain as much information as I can for my portfolio and have a deep understanding of the material. I will know that I have reached my goal when I have completely filled out my Earth Science page on my Portfolio. In order to reach that goal, I must take notes and save all material received from this class. I plan to accomplish this goal by the end of the semester.

My SMART goal for the semester, in general, is to successfully submit my transfer application and have everything I need ready to successfully proceed with my career. I know I will have reached my goal when I transfer to a CSU by next fall semester. In order to reach this goal, I know I need to meet with my counselors regularly and fill in all applications on time. I plan to accomplish this goal before the beginning of the spring semester 2023.

Outside of School

These are pictures from my BTS concert from Dec. 2, 2021! It was my first concert of theirs, and I had the best time ever. I'm really hoping to go again soon!