Scientific Method

The Scientific Method

What is it?

The scientific method is a step-by-step process used to conduct experiments and test theories. It usually is a 5-7 step process and can be used in a variety of ways.

How Do You Do It?

Seven Step Procedure

  1. Observation

  2. Question

  3. Hypothesis

  4. Test/Experiment

  5. Collect Data/Analsysis/Results

  6. Repeat

  7. Conclusion

  1. When utilizing the seven-step procedure, it is important to make sure your theory/experiment is testable. This is how you form a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an educated prediction based on an observation you saw, and a question you formed.

  2. Once you have formed your hypothesis, you can now test, or conduct an experiment. This process involves having a control group, a response group, and variables. This process is used to test whether the hypothesis is valid or not and usually needs to be conducted multiple times.

  3. Don't worry if your hypothesis ever turns out the opposite way you wanted, that's what experiments are for! You did gain new knowledge and a deeper understanding of your question though, which means you learned! And that's the main goal!

  4. Once you have all of your data collected from your experiments, you may analyze them in order to come to a conclusion. Your data and analysis help you determine how your experiment was conducted and help you understand your results.

  5. Once you have your results, use them to form a short conclusion, usually 2-3 sentences. Your conclusion should state what you wanted to know, what you did, and what results you got.


  • Pennies Activity

Students will conduct an experiment about which would clean a penny better: water, soap, or vinegar. They will go through the scientific method to conduct their experiment.

  • Thermal Dynamics

Students will conduct an experiment to determine whether room temperature, hot, or cold water will dissolve sugar faster and why.

  • Water Color

Students will draw on a coffee filter using Crayola markers and will dip a portion in water for x amount of time. Students will use the scientific method to understand what will happen to the filter and why.


The Scientific Method

Steps to Scientific Method

Lesson plan

Lesson Plan Presentation

This powerpoint holds the information needed to teach a lesson on the scientific method and even has an activity for the students to do at the end!