Atmospheric Circulation

About Atmospheric Circulation

Atmospheric Circulation transports heat over the surface of the Earth that affects the water cycle, including the formation of clouds and precipitation events. The movement of air masses brings us our daily weather, and long-term patterns in circulation determine regional climate and ecosystems.

Differential Heating is the disparity of heat of air over land versus over water. The way our Earth is tilted, and because of its rotation, our Sun hits our planet at a certain angle. The rays of the sun are more condensed into This differential heating is the reason we have wind. As air warms up, it rises and where it was removed from is replaced with the colder surrounding air. This movement of air results in air circulation around the globe. However, at certain points on Earth, the circulation of this air changes.

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Global Atmospheric Circulation

Air and Wind

Lesson Plan

Atmospheric Circulation

Atmospheric Circulation Presentation

  • What is Atmospheric Circulation?

  • Overview of Latitude/Longitude

  • Differential Heating and How it Works

  • Atmospheric Pressure

  • Earth's Cells