Goals and Outcomes

GOAL #1 GEO-4 class specifically!

What does a smart goal stand for?



A-Action Oriented



GOAL #1 GEO-4 class specifically!

My SMART Goal is to gain enough knowledge and confidence to help benefit my classroom(S). I will know that I have reached my goal if I don't feel nervous when speaking in-front of an audience and I am not worried about my lesson plans. In order to reach it, I will take the following actions which is doing all of the assignments given, practice making lesson plans, asking questions on anything im unsure about, and practice teaching infront of my peers. I plan to accomplish my goal by the time I become a student teacher hopefully if not by the end of this fall semester.

GOAL #2 The semester in general!

My SMART Goal is to get outside my comfort zone. I will know that I have reached my goal if I feel more confident with the information I have been given and I am not scared to talk infront of my piers and others. In order to reach it, I will take the following actions I will pretend to be a teacher and teach my pears a lesson and get my nerve out about talking in-front of people.I plan to accomplish my goal by the end of the semester.

My perspective:

I believe my classes this semester will help me gain the confidence I need to become an impactful teacher and I hope I am able to not be nervous when talking in front of a group of people. I would love to have an idea of how lesson plans work by the end of the semester so that I am more prepared fot when I am actually in a classroom.