
Lesson Plan:

  • Explain how coasts are formed.

  • Explain what are the coasts used for.

  • Explain how coasts change.

  • Explain where are coasts found.

  • Watch youtube video explaining coasts and the seas.

  • Fun word search activity


  1. How coasts are formed?

Answer: Waves, tides, and currents help create coastlines. When waves crash onto shore, they wear away at, or erode, the land. But they also leave behind little parts of the sea, such as shells, sand dollars, seaweeds, and hermit crabs. Sometimes these objects end up as more permanent parts of the coastline.

  1. What are the coasts used for?

Answer: Coastal land is used for human settlement, agriculture, trade, industry and amenity. The coastal sea presents problems related to transport, fishing, dumping, mining, etc., stemming from an intensification and diversification of ocean uses.

  1. How do coasts change?

Answer: Coasts are very dynamic places – they are constantly changing. Crashing waves, strong currents, tidal waters and hazards (such as storms and tsunamis) all transform coastal environments. People, too, bring about many changes to these environments.

  1. Where are coasts found?

Answer: The coast is the zone between land and sea. The action of the waves and the sea constantly changes the shape and form of the coast, and people manage these changes in different ways. The coast is the place where land and sea meet.

Activity: Coasts word search

Answer Key: