About the project

Training Course

06 - 15 June 2021

Vatra Dornei, Romania

“Make E+ducation for YOUth” is an Erasmus+ international training course, with partners from 7 European countries:
Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Croatia.

It has a period of 8 days dedicated to the implementation of activities between 07–14 June 2022
6 - 15 June with travel days included). The location for activities is Vatra Dornei, a small picturesque mountain resort in the Carpathian Mountains of Northern Romania.

The group present at the activities will be 26 youth workers.

We need the following number of persons from each country:

Latvia: 4 persons

Lithuania: 3 persons

Estonia: 3 persons

Turkey: 4 persons

Croatia: 3 persons

Bulgaria: 4 persons

Romania: 5 persons

All selected participants should be over 18 years old. There is no upper age limit.
Experience in the field of youth is needed, if it is at basic level.
A medium level of English is needed.

We have noticed that those who work with young people prefer homogeneous groups, often avoiding including young people with limited opportunities, unless they work in a specialized NGO. Our experience and our partnership on inclusive activities has given us a large-scale picture on this topic, which makes it clear to us that including young people with reduced opportunities in our youth projects greatly enriches the program and offers long-term benefits. long, not only for the group, but also for the communities, creating and promoting sustainable and inclusive models and methods. Based on these beliefs and values, which we want to promote in the field of youth internationally, which is based on the urgent need for inclusion (on both sides).

Also, through “Make E+ducation for YOUth” we will encourage intercultural communication, cultivate non-judgmental thinking, stimulate tolerant and cooperative attitudes, thus contributing to building a more inclusive society. The purpose of our activities is to educate youth workers in the spirit of inclusion, multiculturalism, promoting intercultural dialogue and developing tolerant and respectful attitudes.

To dig into the topic, we will use the following non-formal methods:

  • getting to know each other and teambuilding methods;

  • idea generation and grouping methods: brainstorming, star-busting, mind-mapping;

  • methods for presentation of ideas and information: interactive presentation, visualization, graphic facilitation;

  • methods of studying a topic/problem: research, analysis and synthesis, case study;

  • methods for organizing discussions – group discussions, debates, open space;

  • educational games;

  • reflection;

  • public speaking;

  • dramatic, experiential and learning by empathy methods: improvisation, drama, symbolic framework, educational theater, role play;

  • practical learning methods: street interview, community quest;

  • intercultural learning methods.

As a result of the activities, young people will develop multilateral thinking and more complex views on culture and religion, will overcome stereotypes and barriers. They will learn to respect various opinions and to understand different points of view, becoming more tolerant and oriented towards solving problems in a constructive way, avoiding extreme attitudes. Subsequently, youngsters will perpetuate these attitudes and behaviors in their daily environments, in the community, in families, at work.