Heavy Duty Tire Rack— Space-Efficient Warehouse Storage Solution!

Heavy duty tire rack is among the most space-efficient warehousing options available, with the ability to accommodate lots of items in a small amount of area. However, the fusion of vertically piled heavy items, supermarket roll cages and fast-moving workplace transportation (often forklifts) around these stacks has its own set of hazards.

Key Areas to Reduce These Warehouse Risks:

  • Verifying that the racks are installed, stacked, and, if required, adjusted following manufacturer's specifications.

  • Promoting safe behavior among employees while handling goods from the heavy duty tire racks or operating in the surroundings of racking

  • Keeping an eye on any damage to racking frames and making sure that fixes don't endanger their structural integrity.

Buy the top-quality material handling equipment and storage solutions for your warehouse only at E-Deck!