Marijuana SEO

Today, many cannabis sectors are propped up by their overall growth and have been deemed an essential service. As of yet, there is a noticeable increase in the consumer’s consumption of cannabis which is good news to investors and startups. Both recreational and medicinal cannabis sectors are growing at a compound rate, especially with COVID-19 - the customers reach out to cannabis to treat mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

🍀 Cannabis in a nutshell 🍀

Before diving into so much detail about growing your own CBD business,

here’s a quick overview of cannabis and some general information to loop you in.

Cannabidiol, often known as CBD, is one of the most famous compounds and ingredients extracted from flowering tops, leaves, and resins of the cannabis plant, namely hemp and marijuana.

Coming from a wide-ranging variety of compounds called cannabinoids,

CBD is found in abundance in the cannabis plant. Among the most prevalent compounds, THC ranked first, while CBD comes behind it.

THC has a psychoactive effect delivering a “high” or “stoned” feeling and is abundant in recreational cannabis products. In contrast,

CBD doesn’t affect the mind but offers more positive health benefits - perfect for people suffering from depression, anxiety, and a lot more when consumed.

Let’s cut to the chase - the marijuana plant is a good THC source and contains a considerable amount of cannabidiol.

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Cannabis industry: recent changes and future innovations 🚀🚀

Perhaps predictably, marijuana industries experience explosive growth projections motivating many aspiring entrepreneurs to test waters and discover the best way to get their marijuana-related business off the ground. As an action point, amateur business owners investigate whether they have a promising edge in creating their own Cannabis business before they jump onto the CBD investing bandwagon.

Thus, as many entrepreneurs enter the marijuana market, the competition is getting steeper, which will harm your business down the line.

💰💰 Know your business potential 💰💰

So, are you ready to learn the ropes of climbing up the Google rankings amidst its new

enforcement restrictions under the law? Let’s go! 🏃🏃

Navigate around the minefield of the Cannabis market

The good thing about the cannabis industry is that it is a highly scalable business. Although the cannabis industry is now a new economy boon, it also exposes the challenges business owners face - needless to say, growing a highly regulated drug is not an easy feat.

It should come as no surprise that with the rise of cannabis use and its consumer demands, CBD companies have mushroomed overnight. To smoke out your antagonists, you need to have a proven SEO strategy tailored for marijuana-related businesses; otherwise, you are putting in so much effort, but the return is very low.

🚫 Cannabis advertising was banned in different media forms 🚫

If you are frustrated by the strict digital advertising regulations around the marijuana industry, get it off your chest - we hear you! Nevertheless, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Our value-added Marijuana SEO strategy emerged as a knight in shining armor for your cannabis business. You heard it right - our fool-proof SEO system is designed for cannabis websites banned for paid ads.

Partner with us, and we’ll future-proof your cannabis content, bulletproof your SEO strategies, and surefire your visibility and inbound sales. Sounds good? With this clarity and laser-focused Marijuana SEO marketing goal, you will gain traction in the business regardless of the strict regulations on advertising cannabis.

No experience in leveraging an SEO marketing campaign? Don’t worry - we’ve got your back!

Get in touch with us to know what we can do to reach

your cannabis business to its full potential.

We usually respond within 24 hours.


Marijuana SEO: deep dive into exceptional SEO strategies

that accommodate the needs of the Cannabis marketplace

Big thanks to the consumer’s recent acceptance of CBD and its research-backed health benefits, the cannabis market is rapidly growing at an exponential rate. Gone are the days when cannabis use is stigmatized and influenced by the public’s negative opinion. While there is an increasing number of solid supporters of cannabis legalization due to marijuana’s perceived health benefits, many opponents are also rallying against its social use, so it wasn’t all smooth sailing.

There is no denying that in the last centuries, several countries outlawed the use of marijuana. To cite an example, a few years ago, Canada became the second country to legalize the use of cannabis - this is considered a significant moment in the history of the marijuana business. Since then, big strides were experienced in the cannabis industry, as more and more countries worldwide follow the legalization suit in the subsequent years.

Here are some insights why bullish on Marijuana SEO: 👇👇👇

In summary, here’s what you can do to make your audience fall in love with your products or services instantly:

  • Give your product an appealing design: make it more visually appealing.

  • Provide a sound user experience while navigating through the cannabis product pages (your SEO partner will do fulfillment).

  • Economically justifiable price: there are approaches that you can learn about pricing marijuana products while optimizing profits.

  • Optimize service and product pages to get more eyeballs and increase conversion rates (your SEO partner will do fulfillment).

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Increase local awareness of your marijuana dispensary

With all the competition going on, how can you stand out from the pack?

✍️ Leverage your cannabis content

Your cannabis content is king. There is no point in setting up a website without content - such a waste of time and money.

As the cannabis market is getting crowded, here are keys to creating high-performance marijuana content online:

  • Create quality and informative content.

  • For better SEO practices showcasing authority, make sure to write at least a thousand words; even better, shoot for 1500 or more.

  • Add relevant images, videos, or other media - makes your blog or content visually appealing and engaging.

  • Optimize your content properly - increase traffic to your website and provide search engines essential information about what your content is all about.

🤝 Let’s work together!

With all things considered, it seems reasonable to assume that Cannabis companies experienced a huge boom because they applied cannabis SEO strategies into their domain, and without marijuana SEO strategies, showing up in this emerging industry is close to impossible.

At ePropel, we will take your SEO marketing strategies on a pedestal and provide you value-packed information to beat the competition. We value transparency - there’s no question too big or small that we can’t answer for you. We will NEVER leave you hanging in thin air or tell you it’s all in the "secret sauce." As your SEO partner, we will develop a comprehensive dispensary marketing plan that respects and aligns with Google’s strict policies and converts organically for your site.

And over the years, we’ve helped several clients boost their SEO traffic using our devised marijuana SEO tactics. We couldn’t be more proud of our team, and we are thankful for the clients that have put their faith in us. When we succeed in making our clients more profitable, we take time to celebrate their success. Speaking of client wins, our previous Cannabis customer experienced phenomenal growth of 41,000 Google maps views in the last 28 days - this goes to show the quality of work we do behind the scenes.

To conclude, we want to be a part of your journey. The offer is on the table with your best interest at heart. Come to realize this, a whole goldmine of opportunities is sitting there untapped, and it’s just right under your nose. Therefore, act quickly - so you don't miss out on what could be a life-changing cannabis growth opportunity in your bottom-line results!