Call for Paper

We invite researchers in machine learning and artificial intelligence to submit their latest work to our ECML PKDD 2023 workshop. Accepted papers will be presented as contributed talks.


The workshop solicits work on all aspects of explainable artificial intelligence in dynamic machine learning scenarios, including but not limited to:

Important DATEs

Submission Details

Authors are supposed to submit original work and already published work in the form of papers or extended abstracts of up to 10 pages (excluding references and appendix) in LNCS guidelines following the style of the main conference format.

We also encourage submissions of already published work that fits the scope of the workshop. In case of already published work please indicate the original publication in your submission.

Accepted papers will be presented in 15 min presentations with 3 mins of discussions. 

Authors who submit their work to DynXAI 2023 commit themselves to present their paper at the workshop in case of acceptance.

All accepted papers (with an opt-out for already published work) will be published as post-proceedings in LNCSI and included in the series name Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Condition for inclusion in the post-proceedings is that at least one of the co-authors has presented the paper at the workshop. Pre-proceedings will be available online before the workshop.

Submissions should be uploaded as a single pdf file via CMT. (  


Best papers are recommended to be featured in a Special Issue of Neural Computing and Application (NCAA) on Incremental Learning. 


Any general enquiries, please feel free to drop us a mail @