Past Events


The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2024 took place in Kiel, Germany, 22 - 24 May 2024

Venue: Kiel University

Organizers: Jan Kallsen & Mathias Vetter 

More information is available at the workshop homepage.

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2023 took place in London 27 - 29 March 2023

Venue: Imperial College

Organizers: Dan Crisan and Almut Veraart

Scientific committee: Valérie Chavez-Demoulin, Carsten Chong, Anne Leucht, Orimar Sauri, Kirstin Strokorb and Michael Sørensen

More information is available at the workshop homepage.

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2022 took place in Paris 29 June - 1 July 2022

Venue: Institut Henri Poincaré, Amphithéatre Hermite

Organizers: Emmanuelle Clement, Arnaud Gloter and Maud Delattre

Scientific committee: Charlotte Dion, Céline Duval, Eva Löcherbach, Miguel Martinez, Mark Podolskij and Michael Sørensen

More information is available at the workshop homepage.

The DYNSTOCH workshops in 2020 and 2021 were cancelled because of COVID-19

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2019 took place in Delft, The Netherlands, 12-14 June 2019

Venue: Delft University of Technology

Organizers: Frank van der Meulen and Jakob Söhl

Scientific committee: Mark Podolskij, Jakob Söhl, Michael Sørensen, Peter Spreij, Frank van der Meulen

More information is available at workshop homepage.

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2018 took place in Porto, Portugal, 6-8 June 2018

Venue: Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto

Organizer: Paula Milheiro-Oliveira

Scientific committee: Arnaud Gloter, Dasha Loukianova, Paula Milheiro-Oliveira, Peter Spreij, Michael Sørensen

More information is available at the workshop homepage.

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2017 took place in Siegen, Germany, 5-7 April

This workshop was the 25th meeting of the network (including the pre-dynstoch-time).

Organizer: Alexander Schnurr

Scientific committee: Alexander Schnurr, Peter Spreij, Michael Sørensen

More information is available at the workshop homepage.

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2016 took place in Rennes, France, 8-10 June

Venue: University of Rennes

Organizers: Dominique Dehay, Ronan Le Guével, Michael Sørensen

Scientific committee: Dominique Dehay, Reinhard Höpfner, Adeline Leclercq Samson, Michael Sørensen, Masayuki Uchida

More information is available at the workshop homepage.

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2015 took place in Lund, Sweden, 27-29 May

Venue: University of Lund

Organizers: Dragi Anevski, Johan Lindström, Michael Sørensen

More information is available at the workshop homepage.

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2014 took place in Coventry, 10-12 September

Venue: University of Warwick

Organizers: Gareth Roberts, Murray Pollock, Michael Sørensen

More information is available at the workshop homepage.

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2013 took place in Copenhagen, 17-19 April

Venue: University of Copenhagen

Organizers: Susanne Ditlevsen, Niels Richard Hansen and Michael Sørensen

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2012 took place in Paris, 7-9 June

Venue: Institut Henri Poincaré

Organizers: Sylvain ELATTRE, Valentine GENON-CATALOT, Catherine LAREDO, and Mathieu ROSENBAUM

Scientific committee: Valentine GENON-CATALOT, Catherine LAREDO, Eva LÖCHERBACH, Dasha LOUKIANOVA, and Mathieu ROSENBAUM

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2011 took place in Heidelberg, Germany, 16-18 June

Venue: German-American Institute

Organizer: Mark Podolskij

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2010 took place in Angers, France, 17 - 19 June

Venue: University of Angers

Organizer: Lioudmila Vostrikova

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2009 took place in Berlin, 8 - 10 October

Venue: The Humboldt-University

Organizer: Markus Reiß

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2008 took place in Padua, 26 - 28 June

Venue: Palazzo Bo, University of Padov

Organizers: Gianni Di Masi, Lorenzo Finesso and Andrea Gombani

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2007 took place in Amsterdam, Netherlands 7 - 9 June

Venue: Institute of Mathematics, University of Amsterdam

Organizer: Peter Spreij

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2006 took place in Mainz, Germany 8 - 10 June

Venue: Institute of Mathematics, University of Mainz

Organizer: Reinhard Höpfner

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2005 took place in Le Mans, France 5 - 8 January

Title: Asymptotical Statistics of Stochastic Processes V

Venue: Le Mans

Organizer: Yury A. Kutoyants


Dates: June 7 - 9, 2004

Venue: Copenhagen, Denmark

Organizers: Martin Jacobsen and Michael Sørensen

For more information, see the workshop home-page.

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2004 took place in Copenhagen, Denmark 3 - 5 June

Venue: Copenhagen, Denmark

Organizer: Michael Sørensen

The Fractional Brownian days took place in Helsinki, Finland 25 - 26 September

Venue: University of Helksinki

Organizer: Esko Valkeila

Concentrated Advanced Course on Statistical Methods for Financial Risk Management

Dates: May 26 - 30, 2003

Venue: University of Copenhagen

Organizers: Søren Asmussen (University of Aarhus), Martin Jacobsen (University of Copenhagen), Thomas Mikosch (University of Copenhagen) and Michael Sørensen (University of Copenhagen)

Main Lectures by Alexander McNeil (ETH Zurich and RiskLab Zurich)

Further Lectures by: Henrik Hult (Stockholm), Thomas Mikosch (Copenhagen), Catalin Starica (Gothenburg), and Murad Taqqu (Boston)

The course aimed in particular at young people (PhD students, postdocs,...).

For more information see

The fourth DYNSTOCH workshop in 2003 took place in Helsinki, Finland 22 - 24 May

Venue: University of Helksinki

Organizer: Esko Valkeila

The DYNSTOCH workshop in 2003 took place in La Manga, Spain 15 - 17 May

Venue: Hotel Sol Galua, La Manga, Spain

Scientific committee: Carmen Armero (Universitat de Valencia, Spain), Juan Antonio Cano (Universidad de Murcia, Spain), Alan Gelfand (Duke University, USA), Mathieu Kessler (Universidad de Cartagena, Spain), Sonia Petrone (Universita' "L. Bocconi", Italy), David Rios Insua (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain), Gareth Roberts (Lancaster University, UK), Fabrizio Ruggeri (CNR-IMATI, Italy), Pilar Sanmartin (Universidad de Cartagena, Spain), Refik Soyer (George Washington University, USA), and Mike Wiper (Universidad Carlos III, Spain) 

For more information, see the workshop home-page.

Spring School on Stochastic Delay Differential Equations

Dates: March 12 - 15, 2003

Venue: Humboldt University of Berlin

Invited Lecturers:

Scope: The spring school was addressed to students and researchers with a background in stochastic analysis with an interest in obtaining some insight into the theory and applications of stochastic differential equations involving a time lag or other memory effects.

The Spring School was organised by the research group "Stochastic Differential Equations" Humboldt University Berlin, Germany and supported by DYNSTOCH, Graduiertenkolleg "Stochastic Processes and Probabilistic Analysis", and Sonderforschungsbereich 373 "Quantification and Simulation of Economic Processes".

The DYNSTOCH workshop Dynamical Stochastic Modeling in Biology in 2003 took place in Copenhagen, Denmark 8 - 10 January

Venue: University of Copenhagen

Organizers: Marianne Huebner (Michigan State University) and Michael Sørensen (University of Copenhagen)


The main purpose of the workshop was to discuss dynamical stochastic models for biological problems and to identify new areas where such models might be useful. The emphasis of the workshop was be on ecology, gene regulatory networks and topics in bioinformatics. The workshop was organized jointly by MaPhySto (Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastics) and DYNSTOCH.

A Review on Estimation Procedures for Stochastic Differential Equations

Dates: November 6-8, 2002

Venue: University of Mainz

Four lectures by Mathieu Kessler (University of Cartagena)

The following topics were covered:

The lectures gave a survey on a field of recent important developments in statistics of diffusion processes. They were organized by Reinhard Hoepfner in the framework of the DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm Interagierende stochastische Systeme von hoher Komplexitaet and were organized jointly with the EU network Statistical Methods for Dynamical Stochastic Models in the sense that all 'young researchers' of the EU network were cordially invited to this series of lectures.

DYNSTOCH Summer School - From Levy Processes to Semimartingales - Recent Theoretical Developments and Applications to Finance

Dates: 20 - 27 August, 2002

Venue: University of Aarhus

Organizers: Ole E. Barndorf-Nielsen (University of Aarhus), Bent Jesper Christensen (University of Aarhus), Albert N. Shiryaev (Steklov Institute, Moscow) and Michael Sørensen (University of Copenhagen)

The course was a joint event with the Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastics (MaPhySto) and the Centre for Analytical Finance (CAF).

The third DYNSTOCH workshop in 2002 took place in La Manga, Spain 19 - 21 May

Venue: La Manga, Spain

Organizer: Matthieu Kessler

DYNSTOCH Concentrated Advanced Course on Long Range Dependence, Heavy Tails and Rare Events with Applications to Finance and Telecommunications

Dates: 6 - 10 May, 2002

Venue: University of Copenhagen

Main Lectures by Gennady Samorodnitsky (Cornell University). Further Lectures by: Søren Asmussen (Lund), Patrik Albin (Chalmers), Murad Taqqu (Boston), Bert Zwart (INRIA).

The course was a joint event with the Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastics (MaPhySto) and the Centre for Analytical Finance (CAF). It was organized by Søren Asmussen (University of Lund), Thomas Mikosch (University of Copenhagen) and Michael Sørensen (University of Copenhagen).

The course aimed at graduate students in probability theory, statistics, finance, telecommunications and the researcher wishing to get an overview of methods and techniques on modeling heavy tails, long range dependence and rare events given by some of the leading specialists in the area.

Gennady Samorodnitsky's course started with classical ideas on heavy tails, long range dependence and large deviations, and showed how these ideas can be combined into a fruitful point of view on the length of memory in a stochastic system. Areas of applications discussed included finance and risk, communication networks and climate related issues.

Course home-page. 

DYNSTOCH Course on Fractional Brownian Motion

Six lectures on fractional Brownian motion were given by Esko Valkeila (University of Helsinki) from Monday 4.2.02 to Thursday 7.2.02 at the University of Mainz.

The course was organized by Reinhard Höpfner.

The following topics were treated: Basic properties of FBM's; Stochastic analysis with FBM: integration, Girsanov theorems, stochastic differential equations; Approximation of FBM's; Applications; Connection to Gaussian processes; Parameter estimation.

DYNSTOCH Workshop on Hellinger Integrals and Processes

Dates: 6 - 7 September 2001

Venue: Helsinki

Organizers: E. Valkeila (Helsinki, local organizer), K. Dzhaparidze (CWI, Amsterdam), P. Spreij (UA, Amsterdam) and A. Gushchin (Steklov, Moscow)

The workshop was organized jointly by DYNSTOCH and INTAS Project 99-00016. The purpose of the workshop was to have an overview of the recent progress in the field of Hellinger integrals and processes. These tools are used in probability theory and statistics and in various applications and are central to several activities in DYNSTOCH.

Course on some Aspects of Diffusion Processes

Dates: 27-30 August, 2001

Venue: Helsinki, Finland

Organiser: Esko Valkeila (Organized jointly with the Finnish Graduate School in Stochastics)


The second DYNSTOCH workshop in 2001 took place in Paris, France 13 - 16 June

Venue: Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 5

Organizer: Jean Jacod

Empirical Process Techniques for Dependent Data

Dates: November 21-24, 2000

Venue: Copenhagen, Denmark.

The instructional workshop was organized jointly with the Danish research centres Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastics and Centre for Analytical Finance.

The first DYNSTOCH workshop in 2000 took place in Padua, Italy 21 - 23 September

Venue: Padua, Italy

Organizer: Lorenzo Finesso

The activities of the network started with a kick-off workshop DYNSTOCH 2000 which took place Thursday 21 September - Saturday 23 September, 2000 in Padua, Italy.