Dynamics and Information

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We invite you to the Dynamics and Information Workshop that will take place on January 29-30, 2020 at the Tel-Aviv University, in Dan David Building, Room 205.

The goal of the workshop is to expose researchers to the area of dynamics and information and to facilitate collaboration on research on this topic. To achieve this goal, the workshop will include tutorial sessions given by experts in the field, open problem sessions in which participants will present open problems that interest them, and sessions devoted to work. The workshop will not include paper presentations by participants.

Registration is free, but obligatory. To register please fill this form.

Support for young researchers: By the generous financial support of GAMENET, we can support the participation of 4 young researchers in the workshop. Please send your application consisting of CV, 1 page motivation letter, the name of a promoter, budget plan to Eilon Solan (eilons@tauex.tau.ac.il ) not later than 10 December.

Organized by BME Optimization Research Group and the School of Mathematical Sciences in Tel-Aviv University .

The organizing committee: Galit Ashkenazi-Golan, Ehud Lehrer, Miklós Pintér, Dov Samet, and Eilon Solan.

The workshop is financed by GAMENET, Tel Aviv University, and the Israel Mathematical Union.