Team Members

Katie Heissenbuttel

Katie is a senior majoring in biosystems engineering with a focus on biomedical engineering. Her plans after graduating are to get a job in the biomedical field and attend graduate school in a few years.

Ashley Johnson

Ashley is a senior majoring in mechanical engineering and biosystems engineering with a focus in food and bioprocessing. After graduation she plans to work in the bourbon industry.

Landon Feese

Landon is a senior in biosystems engineering with a focus on machine systems and automation. He plans to go either into automation engineering, autonomous vehicle controls, or clown school.

Mason Sheets

Mason is a senior in biosystems engineering with a focus on biomedical engineering. After graduation he plans to pursue a career in industrial safety or go to graduate school for biomedical engineering.

Faculty mentor: Dr. Mick Peterson, Dr. Jennifer Janes, Dr. Lars Roepstorff