My Profile

About Me

I am a junior in the IBCP Engineering track at Smithfield Selma high school so I can become a cybersecurity engineer and eventually start my own cybersecurity company. I am in the SSS marching band and in my free time I like to hang out with friends, do sports things, watching anime, or relaxing.  

Short and Long Term Goals

My short term goals include graduating high school and getting my IBCP certificate as well as getting into the NC State engineering program. In the long term I would like to become a cybersecurity engineer and hopefully start my own company.

IBCP Engineering

I chose the Engineering pathway in the IBCP program because I enjoy engineering and I believed that this was the best way to accomplish my goals of getting into college and setting myself up for later in life.


Throughout my high school career, my interests have vastly changed. I started off wanting to be an engineering student and then I thought I wanted to be a pilot and now I have realized that I want to study computer science. One thing I have learned is that nothing is set in stone and IB will help you with whatever you decide to do.