Another reason why Techland did not make Dying Light a sequel to Dead Island was because the team wanted to create a survival game with a serious tone, while Dead Island's story is lighthearted and the game features mostly hack and slash gameplay.[28] According to producer Tymon Smektaa, the team aimed to create a story that was "more mature and more serious".[30] Concerned that their team of Poles would not be able to write a story that appealed to North American audiences, Techland invited DC Comics writer Dan Jolley to be a consultant for the story.[31] Inspirations for the story were drawn from novels such as The Plague and Heart of Darkness.[32] Despite the serious tone, the game features some exotic weapons. Game designer Maciej Binkowski felt that the game featured "Hollywood realism", and that they did not intend to make over-the-top weapons like the Dead Rising series.[33] Like Dead Island, the game's combat was melee-focused, and the team invited a group of Krav Maga technique experts to show the programmers and designers "what it was like to hit something" in order to further refine the game's combat.[34]

Dying Light contains a dynamic day and night cycle. During the day, the player has to go out and scavenge for supplies to send back to the safe zones. They can also set up traps, save random survivors, and make their way to airdrops. The infected are slow, apathetic, and easily visible, allowing the player to simply make their way past them, but their danger grows in numbers.[7] Players can also use environmental traps, such as spikes and electrified fences to kill the infected. Daytime will last for approximately 64 minutes, while night time will last for approximately 7 minutes. The game also features a physics-based lighting system and a dynamic weather system, which includes a variety of conditions such as fog, rain, and wind.

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During the night, the infected transform into something much more dangerous and become more active and dangerous. Without daylight, the senses of the infected become more acute and accurate. They gain the ability to sprint after the player and have increased damage, as well as the ability to jump and climb buildings like the player. New enemies are also introduced at night, challenging the player to survive, introducing the new playing aspect of the hunter becoming the "hunted". In order for the player to avoid contact, they need to use their survivor sense to locate infected in the dark to stay out of their way. If spotted and trying to escape their pursuers, the player can use distractions and the traps to lower their numbers. Players can use sound to lure the enemies.[8] The player's main defense against the infected is ultraviolet light, which slows them down.

If you count yourself among the Dead Island fandom, your expectations are already set. You understand developer Techland's inconsistencies, and you are prepared to disregard the chaff so that you may reap the grain. Dying Light spawns from the same pile of mutated freaks as Dead Island, but it establishes its separate identity early on. The first difference to become clear is in tone: where Dead Island's story was difficult to take seriously, Dying Light sets the stage for a dark drama with a city overrun with infected victims, and a desperate populace anxious for hospice and aid. There are light touches here and there: you stumble upon The Bites Motel, for instance, and magazine covers and other details offer plenty of sight gags. But you are meant to be fearful and cautious, and you are meant to empathize with the survivors working so hard just to stay alive, let alone thrive.

"I am delighted to have this double vinyl edition of my Dying Light 2 Stay Human soundtrack. On the first disc, you will follow the story of the main character and his personal journey through The city of Villedor. Like in the game, you will discover the different factions and the difficult choices he will have to take. The second disc is more about the world, its environments and dangers but through adversity, there is always time for comfort and joy. It will be a great journey for any listener and, I hope, a real treat for the players" says Olivier Deriviere (Composer)

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright

Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,

And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,

Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

In my craft or sullen art

Exercised in the still night

When only the moon rages

And the lovers lie abed

With all their griefs in their arms,

I labour by singing light

Not for ambition or bread

Or the strut and trade of charms

On the ivory stages 17dc91bb1f

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