
Open positions

We are always looking for motivated and high-performing undergraduates (BEng, MEng), PhD students (self-funded or as part of our budgets) and self-funded postdoctoral researchers to be part of our cutting-edge research. 

I am happy to supervise self-funded PhD students and self-funded postdoctoral researchers in my group.

Contact: (Dong-Wook Shin)

1_2023, 학부연구생모집 (2명)

: 2023년 2학기, 한밭대학교 신소재공학부 학부연구생을 모집합니다.

2_2023-2024, 박사과정 또는 박사후연구원 모집 (1명)

: 2023년 2학기, 2024년 1학기 박사과정 학생 또는 박사후연구원을 모집합니다. 

2_Open position for PhD studentships or postdoctoral fellowships in 2023 and 2024