I have done just that. Configure Automatic Updates is set to Disabled. And yet, it still automatically downloads updates and wants you to do a restart. The reason I have been trying to stop update is because: When Windows attempts to install 22H2, it goes through the update paces, does a restart, continues updating, then at 99% it says there is a Windows Error and updates will be undone. So I have to wait and wait for that process. This problem has gone on for 17 months now. I have tried every Microsoft fix out there and nothing fixes this. I even increased my MBR to 1000GB because they were so confident that was the issue. Well, it wasn't. Didn't work. Nothing from Microsoft works and I'm just tired of Microsoft BUGS taking up my time.

I would give Apple support a call. If automatic updates were never on, yet it's still downloading updates over cellular in the background, then something's wrong. Please let us know what they have to say.

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I have an iPhone 14 Pro with 5G service and, according to Apple, an unlimited data plan. That's a good idea to turn off automatic updates. Hopefully that will solve the issue going forward. Who knows, maybe the next time I am notified I have an update available I'll just switch off cellular data altogether until I get the update completed, LOL. Really surprising iOS doesn't have better logic around these big software updates and wifi vs. cellular.

Hmm, the only thing I can think is it had to do with having automatic updates turned on for a time. I know that my experience was that once the update began to download, there didn't seem to be a way of stopping it (and I didn't even know it was occurring), other than maybe rebooting or powering off the phone.

I need to COMPLETELY turn off the "automatic updates reminder" stuff on my Ubuntu system. The problem is that the machine is doing some unattended processing and the updates reminders interfere with it.

Looking at the other answers, neither of them seem to address the question. Removing desktop metapackages shouldn't be required to inhibit popup notifications, and just disabling automatic updates means you'll still get a popup when you run apt update manually.

I'm running Firefox 68.9.0 ESR, and it keeps whining about an update being available. I don't care, because every time I update, one of the extensions I use every day is disabled without my permission. How do I get firefox to shut up about it once and for all? In other words, where is the "do not check for updates" command hidden, or, how else can I shut this thing up? I have, in the past, liked firefox, but it has, over the last few years, supported less and less of features I use daily, at a minimum, many times/day for most.

I have my extensions update automatically---they don't break things when they update, like Firefox and Thunderbird do. Now, if Firefox and Thunderbird were to list everything the next update would break, along with whatever positive changes it would make, I could better evaluate whether or not to do the update. Oh, and some updates, once done, don't let you go back to a previous version, so if the update fscks things up for you, you can't even go backwards to the previous version that worked (that would also need to be in that list of everything that the update would break). But they don't do that. So I stay with the version that works for me.

That Alternative was created by Mozilla for "institutional use", such as mass installation by corporations. I called it "institutional use", because IMHO that where the person who decided that these automatic updates were necessary belongs in one of those. Ruined my life as a Firefox user from long before this web browser became as "Firefox".

My Samsung Galaxy S9 keeps updating automatically. I don't have a problem with that, but I do have a problem with my phone locking and missing my work alarms each time it updates. I've turned off "Developer" updates per the tech coaches, as well as other things Still it continues to auto update. The latest update was a 'System 11' update earlier this morning. Fortunately, I was already up.

This issue has already caused my PC to become unable to boot twice since I use Windows custom themes and I need to disable them before Windows updates. However, with automatic updates, I don't get a chance to disable them and then it's too late.

i know it's a bit late, but--i just found out that there are TWO places you must make, as i had update set to only check for updates, but it did it automatically ANYWAY. you have to go into 'pc settings'-->'update and recovery' and then 'choose how updates are installed'. why does it seem like they're always trying to trick you since windows 8.1 came out??

I Have an Asrock 390m-itx/ac mobo. Everything was fine, but then these automatic updates were pushed to my pc, and now the intel wireless bluetooth is screwed up. You can see the little usb icon in the systray toggling on/off continuously, and if you look in device manager, the icon is constantly disappearing and reappearing, and you can hear the windows new connection sound effect constantly going off. Intolerable.

Hi @DarleneB right now iOS 13 or higher is needed. You can read about it here - click. You can't turn off automatic updates. With Android, I can stall for ten or so days, but if I don't accept the changes to my phone, Samsung automatically updates it. The app you get at the Apple store is the latest one for your system on the phone. There isn't anything you can do about it.

That is really annoying - so in other words, even if there is nothing wrong with my phone, Fitbit is demanding that I spend another couple of hundred dollars to update my phone just so I can sync my Fitbit to my phone... I can not turn off automatic updates and each time you force an update on me, you break my app!! Apple will support my phone for another few years but FitBit won't?

@DarleneB I'm sorry for the difficulties experienced and thanks for every step tried prior to posting. This shouldn't be happening, could you provide more details about the issues with the Fitbit app? Also, does this happen when updating your Inspire? Or is it when updating the Fitbit app? I'm asking this as the version 20001.88.11 is the firmware version of your tracker which differs from the Fitbit app version. If the issue you're referring to it's related to the Fitbit app, see this article to turn off automatic updates from the App Store.

I've moved your posts to the iOS board to keep our forums organized. As you may know, our team releases new firmware updates for our Fitbit devices which can be manually downloaded from the Fitbit app. On the other hand, as any other app, the Fitbit app will update automatically if you have this option enabled in the App Store. I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused by the updates and please know your feedback won't go unnoticed as it'll help us to improve our products, as well as our services. Let me recommend checking this article to turn off automatic updates from the App Store.

You might be wondering why you'd ever want to know how to turn off automatic updates in Windows 10. Indeed, these updates are crucial for keeping your system secure and stable. On top of that, updates also introduce the latest Windows features and improvements.

While automatic updates prevent you from worrying about manually updating your PC, they can sometimes be a hindrance. For instance, automatic updates may interrupt you while you're working, prompting you to restart so they can be installed. It's also possible for updates to contain bugs that can cause problems on your PC rather than fixing them.

Microsoft is often forced to rush out patches for its Windows feature updates when users report serious issues with them. But automatic updates mean you don't get much choice about whether to install those patches or not.

3. Select Disabled from the Startup type drop-down menu, then click Stop in the Service status section below. Click OK or Apply to disable automatic Windows updates.

To check that Windows Update Blocker is doing its job, click Menu and choose Update Options to open the Windows Update settings screen. Here you can verify that automatic Windows updates are enabled or disabled, as you wish.

However, Garmin Connect then automatically "updates" the max HR that I have manually set, which in turn completely screws up my HR zones. I have manually set the min and max at 46 and 187 based on fairly reliable testing and I want the watch and GC to leave them there. Even if I can't stop the erroneous HR readings, can I at least make GC (or the watch) stop changing my max HR setting? At present, each time I have to reset the max back to 187 manually via GC. Thanks. 589ccfa754

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