About this website

The resources on this website are compiled and maintained by Across Languages, Translation & Interpretation Service in partnership with Neighbours, Friends and Families - Immigrant and Refugee Communities (IRCNFF)

These resources are made available to support limited-English speakers to easily locate and access information in their language on the topics of Domestic and Gender-Based Violence. Often, this important information is found deep within many English-language websites, creating a significant barrier for limited-English speakers to find on their own, let alone share. 

Service providing organizations and the general public can also benefit from these resources to initiate supportive conversations, raise awareness, and to use as food for thought. We all have a role to play in ending woman abuse everywhere!

The resources are organized by language and easily accessible through the 'Info' page with one click. Most resources have an English version as well. 

The Collaborators

The goal of the Immigrant and Refugee Communities - Neighbours, Friends and Families (IRCNFF) Campaign is to raise awareness about the warning signs of woman abuse and promote bystander intervention within immigrant and refugee communities across Ontario. IRCNFF also aims to raise awareness about the unique barriers newcomer women face when they are seeking support for abuse, and advocate for the elimination of those barriers. 

Across Languages exists to reduce language barriers to communication and to allow service providers, decision makers and clients to communicate accurately and confidentially with each other through qualified interpreters, translators and other professionals and language services. 

Across Languages provides FREE interpretation services to women and children in situations of domestic violence, sexual violence and human trafficking. Contact us for funding eligibility. 

Book a presenter

Do you need someone to present to your group on this topic?

In another language?

Contact:  Laura Comiskey    laura@acrosslanguages.org

(519) 642-7247 x 232