3rd Dutch Speech Tech Day
Monday, 10 February 2025
Location: Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Hilversum
The 3rd Dutch Speech Tech Day will take place on Monday February 10, 2025 at Beeld & Geluid in Hilversum. Building on the success of the Dutch Speech Tech Days in 2023 and 2024—which brought together over 100 participants from academia, organisations, and industry—this year's event promises to be even more impactful.
Our 2025 theme is:
Speech in Context: Advancing Technology for Diverse Human Communication
Keynote speaker is: Prof. Antal van den Bosch
The Dutch Speech Tech Day connects students, researchers, developers and users of speech technology in the Netherlands. It is an opportunity for participants to learn about the cutting-edge in this field, get informed about new developments, and build networks for collaboration. The Dutch Speech Tech Day is for all people interested in and working on speech technology.
Students can learn about developments in industry and build networks.
Researchers can engage with breakthrough science and find team members for new collaborations.
Developers and users can connect with scientists and industry around topics of shared interest.
As a speech technology community in The Netherlands—including researchers, industry partners and users—we must adopt a critical perspective on mainstream speech technology, which often overlooks the diversity in speech, the rich layers of meaning conveyed through spoken communication, and the subtleties embedded within the speech signal. From pathological speech analysis to non-verbal vocalisations, we need to explore how speech technology can better serve diverse communication needs. This includes addressing challenges stemming from speaker characteristics, multilingual contexts, and varying situational demands in human-machine interaction.
Would you like to present your work in our poster session? Would you like a stand at our information market? Go to this page for more information
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Stichting Open Spraaktechnologie
sponsored by
supported by
Nederlandstalige Spraakcoalitie
For enquiries or more information, please contact:
For the registration, see registration