This is an OFFICIAL guide to navigating the DUSTIN Official Fancafe.

If you would like to help translate this guide into other languages, kindly DM @timeless0227.


What is a fancafe?

A fancafe is a forum, board, or blog, often set up on the Daum Cafe platform, that is dedicated to a specific Korean artist.

Here, fans can view photos, videos, news and other information on their favorite artist that are sometimes not uploaded on the artist's other official SNS accounts. Fans can also interact with one another and if they're lucky, with the artists themselves too!

Because of the versatile nature of fancafes, most South Korean entertainment agencies set up official fancafes to make it easier for the agency and the artists to communicate with their fans.


YES, you do. Luckily for us, Daum has already made it easier for people to sign up for Daum Cafe because you can do so just by logging in with your KakaoTalk account... That is, if you have one too.

But if you don't have a KakaoTalk account or a Daum account yet, check out this helpful HOW TO SIGN UP FOR DAUM guide. It's a little outdated, but we will eventually replace this with our own up-to-date guide soon!

How do i join the fancafe?

Check out this helpful HOW TO JOIN A FANCAFE guide. The steps are applicable to most fancafes, and while these are a little outdated just like the guide in the previous question, this will be replaced with our own guide soon. Make sure to follow the nickname rules found in the GENERAL NOTICE!


NONE. Membership is free! ♥

should i WRITE in english or korean?

The FC rules do not indicate whether you should use English or Korean for your level up application, so please feel free to use EITHER of these languages when answering the questions for level up.

However, for your messages or letters FOR Dustin, we encourage you to use ENGLISH, KOREAN, FRENCH or JAPANESE ONLY as these are the only languages that the members can understand.

Can you change your nickname on the fancafe?

YES, you can! ♥

Just make sure that you follow all the fancafe nickname rules. Failure to follow the nickname rules will result in your level up application to be rejected. Or if you are already a Full Member and the FC admin is actively checking nicknames, your rank will be downgraded back to Associate Member.

What's the difference between id and nickname?

Your ID (or DAUM ID) is the ID you use to register and log in with. This is typically an e-mail address that ends in @daum.net. However, if you are using your KakaoTalk account to join the fancafe, just indicate No ID or ID없음.

On the other hand, your NICKNAME is, well, the nickname you use around the fancafe. You may use different nicknames for different fancafes you are part of. Make sure you follow the nickname rules!


When you first join the fancafe, you are initially registered as an Associate Member (준회원) in the group. However, most fancafe sections and contents, such as message boards TO/FROM Dustin, exclusive official photos/videos, schedules, etc. have restricted access and cannot be viewed by Associate Members.

Thus, it's necessary for you to level up and become a Full Member (정회원) to access the restricted sections. Thankfully, Dustin's fancafe is quite easy to join (for now!) as the registration and level up questions are quite simple.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The registration requirements and level up questions on the Dustin fancafe may be changed by LPA Entertainment without prior announcements. We will do our best to constantly update this guide should we notice any changes made to them.


Check the GENERAL NOTICE for instructions on how to level up. We will be adding a more visual and updated guide soon.


If you fulfilled all registration requirements and answered the level up questions correctly, your rank should change from Associate Member 준회원 to Full Member 정회원. A notification will be sent to you once you are promoted to Full Member status by a fancafe admin, which should take no more than 24 to 48 hours.

what happens if i don't level up?

If your rank hasn't been changed to Full Member 정회원 after more than 48 hours has passed since submitting your application, there are two possibilities:

  • There are mistakes in your application (i.e. nickname rules not followed, privacy settings not properly set, wrong answers to level up questions).

    If you think there might be any mistakes in your application, check the 등업리턴 Level-up Return board. The FC admin will most likely leave a comment on your application indicating which parts in your application need to be corrected or updated. Once corrected, submit a level up application again.

  • The FC admin actually has a life and other responsibilities other than the FC ^^; Please be patient and wait for your application to be reviewed and approved. :) At the moment, the Dustin fandom is still small, so approvals for FC should be done fairly quickly.