
Working Papers

Quantitative Easing in the Euro Area: Implications for Income and Wealth Inequality (Paper, SSRN)

Abstract: This study examines how and to what extent quantitative easing of the ECB affects household income and wealth inequality in the euro area. Previous theoretical models have investigated the dynamics of inequality measures through differential access of households to financial/capital market (the portfolio rebalancing channel), neglecting the labor market differential (the earnings heterogeneity channel). Although the portfolio rebalancing channel may provide insight into wealth inequality and non-labor income inequality, this is not the case with labor (and thus total) income inequality. To be in line with the empirical evidence on labor income inequality, this study also considers segmented labor market on the basis of capital-skill complementarity in production and asymmetric real wage rigidities. When only financial market segmentation is considered, the quantitative results indicate a drop in total income inequality that is diminished over time, while wealth inequality experiences a rise that gradually becomes weaker. The introduction of the segmented labor market significantly mitigates the observed drop in total income inequality, while a rise in wealth inequality is largely amplified. Given the possible broadening of the ECB’s mandate towards distributional issues in the future, the analysis of segmented labor and financial markets can be more beneficial to the ECB as it provides a clearer picture of the inequality effects. 

The Effects of Government Spending in Segmented Labor and Financial Markets (SSRN

Abstract: This paper develops a model with high-skilled and low-skilled workers to show the expansionary effects of government spending despite large training costs for new hires. The main idea is that a fiscal stimulus induces changes in the composition of the labor force conditional on the extent of aggregate demand pressure. A period of high aggregate demand pressure is followed by a high value of forgone output as training activity causes production disruption. In this period firms decide to hire more low-skilled workers, who constitute a cheaper part of the labor force. When aggregate demand pressure is diminished, firms switch to hiring more high-skilled workers. However, the current literature considers only high-skilled workers, who tend to increase saving in government bonds to protect against poor employment prospects. In this case, the combination of weak employment prospects and the crowding-out effects of higher lump-sum taxes and government debt on private consumption and capital investment gives rise to recessionary effects. In contrast, this paper provides a model with a more realistic labor and financial market structure and suggests that countercyclical government spending in the form of government consumption and especially government investment can be used to deal with recessions. 

Corporate Income Tax Changes and Aggregate Productivity (with Danilo Stojanović

Abstract: The U.S. average corporate income taxes are reduced from 25% to 10% over the last three decades. We explore the real effects of the tax cuts through changes in the composition of firms and collateral borrowing. Using the proxy SVAR model `a la Mertens and Ravn (2013), we find that the tax cuts lead to a temporary rise in aggregate output and TFP because of an increase in firms’ net entry. These expansionary effects become persistent when firms are allowed to borrow external funds. Higher capital accumulation relaxes collateral constraint, providing firms with additional funds to sustain previously increased aggregate output and TFP growth. To quantify the role of corporate borrowing in transmitting the tax effects, we follow Wong (2015) in constructing a counterfactual economy where borrowing is not allowed to firms. 

Pre-PhD Publications

Stojanović, D., & Stojanović, D. (2017). Monetary policy transmission mechanisms in Serbia: Evidence from the fully-fledged inflation targeting regime. Post-Communist Economies, 29(1), 117-137.  (PDF)

Stojanović, D., & Stojanović, D. (2015). Excessive credit growth or the catching up process: The case of central, eastern, and southeastern European countries. Economic Annals, 60(206), 7-44.  (PDF)