beamer-unicode-viet (tex)

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% Định nghĩa các tiêu đề

\renewcommand{\appendixname}{PHỤ LỤC}
\newtheorem{tm}{ }
\newtheorem{dn}{\large Định nghĩa}[section]
\newtheorem{dly}{\large Định }[section]
\newtheorem{chy}{\large Chú ý}[section]
\newtheorem{bd}{\large Bổ đề}[section]
\newtheorem{md}{\large Mệnh đề}[section]
\newtheorem{hq}{\large Hệ quả}[section]
\newtheorem{ly}{\large Lưu ý}[section]
\newenvironment{prf}{{\noindent \textbf{Proof:}\ }}{\hfill $\Box$\\ \smallskip}

% Định nghĩa các công thức toán, các bạn có thể xóa bỏ phần này


\def\z{\textstyle }
\newcommand{\Lf}[2]{{\displaystyle\frac{\z #1}{\z #2}}}
\newcommand{\zu}[1]{_{{}_{\z #1}}}
\newcommand{\zo}[1]{^{\z #1}}
\def\xo{\vspace{.05in}\\\hspace*{5in}\mbox{\huge$\Box$} }
\newcommand{\ik}[2]{\displaystyle\int_{{}_{\z #1}}^{\z #2}}
\def\io{\displaystyle\int_{{}_{\z \Omega}}}
\newcommand{\iR}[1]{\displaystyle\int_{{}_{\z \RR^{#1}}}}
\newcommand{\ijz}[2]{\displaystyle\int_{{}_{ #1}}^{ #2}}
\newcommand{\vh}[2]{\langle #1,#2\rangle}
\def\sij{\displaystyle\sum_{i,j=1}^{n}} \def\sj{\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n}}

%Định nghĩa màu cho chữ viết, các bạn không nên  xóa bỏ phần này


%Định nghĩa màu cho khung và chữ viết, các bạn không nên  xóa bỏ phần này


% Định nghĩa một số ký hiệu toán, các bạn có thể xóa bỏ phần này

\newcommand{\id}{{\rm id}}
\newcommand{\cb}{{\rm cb}}
\newcommand{\CB}{{\rm CB}}
\newcommand{\im}{{\rm Im\ \!}}
\newcommand{\QM}{{\rm qM}}
\newcommand{\PM}{{\rm pMor}}
\newcommand{\M}{{\rm Mor}}
\newcommand{\reg}{{\rm reg}}
\newcommand{\es}{{\rm es}}


\bm{camden}{\begin{center}{Duong Minh Duc \\
Vietnam National University at Hochiminh City (Vietnam)\\
\doo{Nguyen Hoang Loc\\
Department of Mathematics, University of Utah (USA)}\\
\duong{Nguyen Le Luc\\
Mathematical Institute, Oxford University (UK)}\\
\bich{Le Quang Nam\\
Department of Mathematics, Columbia University, New York (USA)}\\
\hong{Nguyen Trung Tuyen\\
Department of Mathematics, Indiana University, Indiana (USA)}}\end{center}}
\bm{hongxanh}{\begin{center}{DIFFERENTIAL AND DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS \\
Hanoi and Halong, 29-31 October, 2009}\end{center}}
\bm{hongxanh}{Let $\Omega$ be a smooth bounded open subset of $\RR^N~(N\geq 3)$, and  $(W^{1,2}_0(\Omega ),\|.\|)$ be the usual  Sobolev space.  Let $f$ be a continuously differentiable on $\Omega\times \RR$. In this paper, we study the multiplicity of weak solutions in  $(W^{1,2}_0(\Omega )$   to the following boundary value problem: 
\left \{ \begin{array}{ll}\Delta u+ f(x,u)=0&\mbox{ in }\Omega \\\hhh ~~u=0&\mbox{ on }\partial \Omega\end{array}\right.
\bm{bichden}{Let $\lambda _1<\lambda _2\leq \ldots $ be the eigenvalues of the Laplacian operator $-\Delta$ with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition on $\Omega$, and let $\varphi _1,~\varphi _2,\ldots $ be their corresponding eigenfunctions in $W^{1,2}_0(\Omega )$. \pause \doo{If $\Lf{f(x,u)}{u}$ crosses some $\lambda_{i}$ when $|u|$ varies from $0$ to $\infty$  uniformly on $\Omega$,  the problem has been extensively studied by many mathematicians.} \pause \hong{If $\Lf{f(x,u)}{u}$ does not cross any $\lambda_{i}$, the problem $(\ref{eqn01})$ may not have any solution.} \pause However, in the double-resonance case, Zou  obtained  multiplicity results  when $\Lf{f(x,u)}{u}$ does not cross any $\lambda_{i}$. }
 \bm{camxanh}{Let $\mu$ and $\nu$ be real numbers such that $\mu < \lambda_{m}$ and $\lambda_{k} < \nu$. We have an eigenvalue-crossing from $\mu$ to $\nu$. We explain this eigenvalue-crossing in global sense as follows.}
\bm{hongden}{Denote by $Y$ the subspace of $W^{1,2}_0(\Omega )$ spanned by $\{\varphi _1,\varphi _2,\ldots,\varphi _k\}$ and by $Z$ the orthogonal complement of $Y$ in $W^{1,2}_0(\Omega )$. Note that 
 \int _{\Omega}|\nabla \varphi_{j}|^{2}dx &=& \lambda_{j} \int _{\Omega}|\varphi_{j}|^{2}dx 
\hhh\forall j\in \{1,2,\cdots\},\\
\int _{\Omega}|\nabla(\sum_{j=1}^{\infty}\alpha_{j} \varphi_{j})|^{2}dx &=& \sum_{j=1}^{\infty}\lambda_{j}|\alpha_{j}|^{2} \int _{\Omega}|\varphi_{j}|^{2}dx.\label{01} 
\end{eqnarray} }
\bm{bichden}{Put $c_{1} = \min\{\lambda_{1}-\mu,\nu-\lambda_{k}\}$, by $(\ref{01})$ we have
 \int _{\Omega}\left (|\nabla z|^2-\mu z^2 \right)dx&\ge& c_1 \|z\|^2 \hh\forall z\in Z,\\
 \int _{\Omega}\left(|\nabla y|^2-\nu y^2 \right)dx&\le& -(\nu-\lambda_{k})\|y\|^2 \hh\forall ~y \in Y,