How to Save Google Form Data as Pdf Using Google Apps Script?

Converting Google Form data into a document and then exporting them as PDF is a tedious task that takes a long time and constraints on resources. This task can be made easier with a simple process that converts Google form responses into PDF files in no time. With a document maker app, one can convert form responses into PDFs. 

Document Creator

With Four Simple Steps, You Can Covert Google Form Responses Into Pdfs:

In the first step, the user should select the form to convert into a PDF. The user should also check in with their Google Account before permitting to view the Google form.

Once you link your Google form, the Documents Creator App will automatically build a template document with all your questions and responses. You can also choose Google docs form or slides flies created by you. Also, you can connect numerous documents as one PDF.

The document generator plugin lets you add tags to your document. Now you have to save the file as a PDF after formatting the labels, which will act as an input to save answers.

In the last step, the user can test the workflow by simply turning on Auto-create and submitting a response to the form later. The PDF will be saved in a new folder created in Google Drive, which can also be modified.

When converting Google Forms into PDF, users should remember that they have appropriate software for viewing and editing PDFs and documents. A user can easily and quickly convert Google form responses into PDFs by following the above steps.

DuoCloud Infotech lets you easily convert your form data into PDF with customized Templates. With DuoCloud Infotech, a tedious process is made simpler by an automated document generators, which lets to mass generate invoices, certificates, attendance, SOAP notes, and other form responses into PDFS.
