Dungeons and Dragons in Higher Education



Fuelled by its resurgence in popular culture, there has been a growing interest in using table-top role-playing (ttRPG) games like Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) in educational settings. Recent research has begun to explore the potential benefits for mental health and wellbeing from playing D&D, this often linked to opportunities for players to develop social-emotive skills, build self-confidence and learn to express themselves.  Researchers have investigated the use of D&D in helping students develop a wide range of employability skills, including critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and communication.  Finally, others have recognised the opportunity offered by D&D in supporting their disciplinary teaching often in subjects such as history, literature, philosophy, or social sciences.   Other opportunities mooted include D&D being used to develop team-based skills such as teamwork, leadership, and decision-making. The basic premise being by working together to navigate a complex and dynamic game world, students can learn how to communicate effectively, make strategic decisions, and collaborate with others to achieve their goals.  The rise in online D&D may even offer opportunities for the teaching of digital literacy and technology skills.  

This group and site is designed to connect together like minded individuals share practice and ideas and undertake research that demonstrate the potential of D&D in HE.

“One does not need the size of a dragon to have the soul of a dragon.” 

 Robin Hobb


What we've done

So far we have gathered a group of DMs (see your Dungeon Masters) and recruited some adventurers for our first foray into the world of D&D and Higher Education (see our first adventure).  Following the successful adventure we can see a campaign forming  see the journey continues for details.  We have started to collate a list of useful resources for wannabe adventurers (see useful equipment).


Your Dungeon Masters

Our First Adventure

The Journey Continues

Useful Equipment