You play as a man suffering from pavor nocturnus (also known as night terrors), a sleep disorder characterized by intense nightmares. The game is divided in 7 nights. Each night is a level you have to beat in order to progress to the next one. Each night is slightly harder than the previous one and easier than the next one. This page contains information for both the original and the remastered version of the game available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. When there are differences, they are pointed out.

The dungeons consist of two types of places. Hallways and chambers. Any place that is narrow is a hallway, any place wider than a hallway is considered a chamber, no matter how big, or small it is. Looks can be deceiving when viewing the map and this discrimination is vital for later parts of this guide, or when planning where to look first for tables containing items, chests and the exit.

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The player is supposed to navigate the dungeon-like maze to find and collect the artifact in each Night. After this artifact is collected, the player must also find and use the exit, while avoiding the dangers the dungeon has to offer. If the exit is found before the artifact is, the exit but it cannot be used. The player will be reminded to first find the artifact before exist. The locations of the artifact and the exit are random (but each map has a set area in which the exit will always be in i.e. a specific corner of a said chamber). Regardless if the player gets the same map layout multiple times in a row, the artifact and the exit location(s) are randomly generated.

After successfully escaping a dungeon, a score screen appears, in which players can view how much time it took to beat the dungeon and the percentages of the items collected. After that, a message appears, warning the players about the next night.

While you are in the dungeons, which are generated randomly, you can investigate all of the passages and interact with different elements, including chests or doors. In addition, you can use objects like candles to try to illuminate the darkest rooms as you look for the artifact that will allow you to escape.

The problem is that you are never alone in the dungeon. The number and variety of frights that you will encounter during the Dungeon Nightmares Free adventure will keep you constantly on edge. At times, when you least expect it, something will make you jump out of your chair. The best thing about it is that everything is randomly generated, so you never know when to expect a scare.

Navigating the corridors using the traditional dual stick controls, and then interacting with the surroundings using the intuitive touch controls, players slink around the dungeon searching for clues and hoping for answers. Though it seems slightly bewildering at first (I got lost a couple of times before realizing the doors and chests unlock by tapping and holding a finger on them), it all pieces together rather nicely - the graphical special effects and rich 3D surround sound resulting in one of the most immersive and hair-raising experiences for some time.

Every night you go to bed, you find yourself in an endless nightmare that you must escape from.The dungeon is littered with items for you to collect, including Candles that help light up your path. But be warned, you will not be alone in there.

Dungeon Nightmares II is a first-person psychological horror that takes you through a journey of discovering what nightmares are.The game is inspired by classic roguelike games which include 100% procedural-generated maps and permadeath.

Dungeon Nightmares is an independent video game. It centers around the player attempting to find their way out of a dungeon through a stretch of nights, all the while avoiding all the monsters within the dungeon.

The girls wonder around and hear sounds, keeping them on edge. Andrea picks up a note and a candle, commenting that the protagonist must have been wasted to wake up in a dungeon and not remember where he is.

Renae opens a door and walks through, only to be jumped. Andrea sees something in the dungeon and turns around to run, as Renae spots something as well and gets killed by it. Mackenzie and Mariya both run into the monster, but manage to get away.

Andrea is ready for another round, saying that she isn't scared. Mackenzie runs around the dungeon repeatedly exclaiming how much she hates the game. Renae tries to be brave, saying that she can beat the game, before getting jumped by a steam pipe.

Molly finds the ladder and escapes the dungeon, surviving the first night. Renae hears something and panic, looking around to find the exit before seeing the monsters. The other girls continue to get jumped, with Molly hearing something roar, which confuses her.

The girls continue to run around the dungeon and getting jumped at various points of the game, with Mackenzie saying that she wants to burn the woman with the candle. Molly also wants the protagonist to be proactive, saying that she wants to sneak up and eat the woman.

Hot on the trails of indie horror titles like Slender and Amnesia runs Dungeon Nightmares, screaming and wielding a meat cleaver. Developer K Monkey's Unity-powered title puts you in a dungeon and assaults you with nightmares. Really, it's exactly what it says on the tin. You can't fight. You can barely see. You move around the dungeon with the [arrow] keys in first person, looking and interacting with the mouse. Most doors and chests will need you to click and hold to pick their locks, while candles can be lit... and blown out. Hit [M] for a handy map that keeps track of where you've gone. You've got to collect artifacts in a series of randomly-generated dungeons before you can finally climb into the light.

The sound design is where Dungeon Nightmares really shines. Headphones are highly recommended to better let the full 3D sound system work its eerie, atmospheric magic on you. Be prepared: jump scares are common and the volume fluctuates wildly. This is not a game for the meek. You need to unlock chests and find notes, gold bars, and artifacts, all while avoiding a blood-soaked female tormentor and her ghostly, mysterious kin, much like in Eyes - The Horror Game. Speculating about the nature of your personal hell makes it all the more ghastly, and each note adds vague clues that gradually unravel its mysteries. As mentioned, each dungeon is randomly generated. You have a map, but you don't know where the collectibles or exits are. All you've got are weak, flickering candles and a [shift] key sprint function to put distance between yourself and the monsters that come shuffling out of the darkness. Dungeon Nightmares doesn't break much new ground in the indie horror universe, but fans of the creepy and unreal will welcome it with open arms. And then scream and run away.

The Shieldbreaker's camping skills are all buffs, including ones with somewhat situational use, like giving other heroes armor piercing or preventing a hero from being marked. She also has self-buffs to increase her survivability, or her offensive ability with blight. However, nightmares of brutality long since past still haunt her, and to the tormented mind there is no difference between a threat real or imagined...

The Shieldbreaker has a 50% chance to experience a flashback when camping, where you will encounter Pliskins, Rattlers, and Adders depending on the dungeon level. The Shieldbreaker will warn the party if a nightmare will occur through a few unique barks after you've chosen to eat such as "This night holds no comfort for me". The flashback cannot be avoided with "Prevent nighttime ambush" skills.

The Crimson Court DLC added special Trinket Sets, two for each hero. They confer powerful bonuses to the hero equipped with them, and having both equipped at once yields an additional bonus, which is shown greyed out at the bottom. The origin dungeon for all Trinket Sets is the Courtyard and they all have the rarity Crimson Court. The Shieldbreaker Trinket Set, however, is only obtainable through her final 6th and 7th nightmare encounters and won't be dropped or given as a reward in the Courtyard. Trinkets you already have will stop dropping, so there's value in not selling the ones you don't like until you get the ones you want.

Every night you fall asleep, you find yourself in an endless nightmare that you must escape from. You wake up screaming, still seeing the horrors you just witnessed as you lay there in your bed. These are just nightmares and cannot be real, you tell yourself. As you lay back down in bed, you breath out slowly and wipe the sweat from your face. And then you see it. Her name sliced into your hands, Mary.

Dungeon Nightmares II is a first-person psychological horror that takes you through a journey of discovering what nightmares are. 

The game is inspired by classic roguelike games which include 100% procedural-generated maps and permadeath. These features play an important part in making this game tense with the feeling of dread & terror as you walk the hallways of the dungeon. 

Every time you play, the dungeons are randomised which guarantees unlimited replay value.

The game is simple. Get through each dungeon by surviving the horrors that lurk deep within and making your way to the exit. 17dc91bb1f

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