The basic gameplay of Dungeon Hunter 5 shares some similarities to its predecessor, Dungeon Hunter 4, such as picking up loot, using skill attacks and using potions. However, unlike its predecessor, the game is not an open-world nor exploration, but rather a level-based dungeons that have a series of difficulties. As players progress, they will encounter progressively enemies to test their skills. Dungeon Hunter 5 does not contain a class system; instead players choose a starter type of weapon in the beginning in the game. The player character can also add friends though they can no longer co-op in missions. There is also an energy system which restricts the players from performing too many dungeons.

- Embark on a Single-Player Campaign through 5 Realms and countless dungeons

 While seeking vengeance against those who have forsaken you, embark on an immersive journey as our spirit-imbued hero through the five shattered realms, and become known as the most notorious Bounty Hunter of them all.

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- Daily and Weekly Events

 Daily dungeons will reward your demon-killing skills with unique materials to evolve and fuse your gear, while weekly Wanted Challenges will require you to get on top of the leaderboard to get the best rewards.

The main draw of the Sanctums is the rewards which come in the form of caches (like chests) that spawn after clearing the lair boss. These offer a variety of rewards that include evolution materials (e.g. cocoons, crystals, medallions etc.) , crafting materials (e.g. elemental orbs, ascension crystals, boss essences), mastery crystals, dust, hunter tokens, champions/minions and unique S-SSS grade gear (e.g. winged armour, chakrams).

Now that is cleared up, I want to say that I've fully beaten both the original Dungeon Hunter and Dungeon Hunter 2 on Android and have logged about 20 hours into Alliance on Vita so far. Also, I'm having a blast! So, here's my breakdown of the game for anybody considering buying it. It's a generic dungeon crawler, with similar gameplay to Diablo. Now, I totally understand why some people really dislike the game, but for me, it was exactly what I was looking for. Let me break down my perception of the game for you:

The dungeon crawling is pretty great- You'll explore large, varied dungeons which contain a variety of enemies. The loot starts out pretty slow, but once you've cleared a few dungeons it gets really good, with almost too much loot to manage! I often stop in the middle of a dungeon just to see what I've picked up. There's a full inventory system with head, torso, legs, hands, shields, dual wielding & secondary weapon, and two rings. It's really satisfying getting a powerful setup. Loot bonuses are randomized, so you might get two swords with the same attack power, but different effects (like +2 strength, fire damage over time, etc). It really makes mixing and matching your loot for the best setup to be really satisfying. You gear makes a huge difference and you can really feel it when you become powerful because of a new item.

Building your character is great. Firstly, you can choose between 3 classes- Warrior, Rogue and Mage. There level up system is what you'd expect- you have 4 attributes (Strength, Dexterity, Endurance and Energy) and each time you level up you get two points to spend. In addition you have a skill set consisting on 21 unique skills. You get one skill point per level to spend on that, too. The skills are varied, with passive, active, attack, defense and some special skills. Your skill choices and stat layout really changes your character a lot. The game advises you to use your points mostly on a core attribute (Strength for Warrior, Dex for Rogue, Energy for Mage), but you absolutely can make your own builds, too. For example, during my fifth dungeon, I had used most points on strength and attack skills, but I was dying constantly. I visited an NPC who offers a total respec (for some gold) and reset my character. This time, I loaded most of my points into Endurance, then strength & energy. In addition, I put my skill points into HP & MP buffs. Now my Warrior is an absolute tank, who can stand in a crowd of 20+ enemies taking damage from all of them without a sweat. It's super fun to customise, and the unlimited respec makes no decision final. On a whim, I could turn my warrior into an attack powerhouse if I wanted to. It's a fun and varied character system. I wish that you could customise how your character looks more (though different gear changes this).

The combat is your generic dungeon crawler combat with normal attacks and skills. You assign two sets of skills to the face buttons which can be toggled with the d-pad. You can double-tap on the screen to unleash a powerful fairy-spell every 60 seconds, too. The combat is standard dungeon crawler affair- if you don't like it, then dungeon crawlers probably aren't for you. I wish I could hold down on the attack button rather than tapping it though, it becomes tiring after a while! There is one quirk with the combat which I HATE so, so much. When your character becomes stunned, you have to SHAKE YOUR VITA to recover faster, which is utterly pointless. Fortunately, you can also spin the analog sticks to recover instead, which is a little better. Even more fortunately is that I've been stunned a max of about 5 times in the entire game so far, so it's not too bad. Finally, the potion system is VERY simple- potions always fully restore your HP and MP, and you can carry up to 10 (more for warriors) at a time. Use them when you're in a pinch. Simple!

It's a long game. Like I said, I've spent 20 hours on the game and I'm just before the mid-point of the story with a level 28 (out of a maximum level 75) Warrior. The dungeons are pretty long and take a decent amount of time to complete, and there are 2 - 3 sidequests per dungeon. You can also return to any cleared dungeons whenever you want to grind for EXP and loot. In addition, there are 3 distinct classes, 3 difficulty levels, 4-player online and ad-hoc co-op multiplayer, a ton of leaderboards (some of which seem to be hacked though...), NG+ in which the level caps for skills is raised from 5 to 10 (which means you get really badass) and a Vita-exclusive "Pit of Trials" mode which is an endless arena survival mode with exclusive, powerful loot. You can use your character in this mode and the loot you collect transfers to the story mode, too! Combine this with pretty much endless character builds, multiplayer and randomized loot and you have a pretty massive game.

It's generic in every way possible, which is a curse, but also a blessing. The storyline is basically "You are a king who has been ressurected to save the world" and not much else. Some of the dialog is so bad it's a wonder how it got into the game. One particular moment when some guards tell you to keep back from a dangerous portal, to which the protragonist says something like "There's no time to explain, but I am your king returned to save the land", after which the guards move aside and say "I am sorry, my lord!". Really? You just waltz into town, say you're the king and everyone bows down? It's really bad. That said, I find the game to be just the right amount of generic to be a no-nonsense, low-investment and just pure fun experience. It has all the tropes of your standard dungeon crawler only it's portable and you don't need to read up on pages of lore or think about who is doing what or where to go next. Of course, this is a purely preferencial thing: Some people may hate the completely generic story, items and world, but others such as myself, who are looking for a simple, low-thought-investment yet engaging game should find it quite acceptable.

So, overall I would call DH:A a great game, but most people would probably call it a decent game. It's perfectly functional, with no game-ruining bugs or major performance issues. It is what it is: a generic dungeon crawler. It does it really well, too: It has a ton of content, scratches the Diablo itch wonderfully, has a lot of loot, and is just really, really fun. Sure, it's not a top-quality, AAA game and it has some bugs and is a little clunky, but you'll hardly notice when you're fighting off hordes of enemies in the middle of a dungeon. If you're looking for a unique, innovative experience, look elsewhere. but if you want to explore dungeons, find loot, and kill hordes of enemies, then go for it. If it goes on sale for up to $15, you'll get your money's worth. If it's under $10, it's a steal and it absolutely gets my recommendation.

TL;DR Dungeon Hunter: Alliance is a generic but fun, low-investment dungeon crawler with a ton of content and a few bugs and slowdown. A good deal for $15, an absolute steal for < $10.

Dungeon Hunter 4 follows a mostly linear storyline with quests that move you through the game. While you can explore the map that's available to you, parts will be blocked off until you complete your current quest chain. There are also side-quests you'll find on your journey, but they tend to revolve around either defending an NPC against several enemies, or going into a small dungeon (that's the same wherever you are) and defeating the enemies there. But even with the somewhat repetitive side quests, different themed areas give you some variation while you explore.

The Dungeon hunter 4 game was released on the 11 April 2013 and looking at this date it actually shows that the game was released quite a long time now as probably it was released like 4 years ago but to tell you ever since the game was released they've been doing quite good since then both on the visibility aspect of it and the positive reviews and every nice good comments made by the users all were absolutely encouraging to see cause literally lots of people really liked the game so much so that equally makes no much difference on it though. There again on the game, Talking about the visibility of the game, right now the Game has a Maximum total of about 10 million downloads on play store and still counting as well cause actually it's a game that is been liked by all for the fantastic way it plays and all other things about it both the positive reviews and comments made by the users who've actually played the game. So it's really a great game and another fun thing that me really liked the game is because there wasn't much of any negative reviews about it or Rather I'll say there wasn't at all. So in the generally aspect of it, it's all an excellent game with one of the best 3D graphical designs on it as well. ff782bc1db

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