National Resources

PACEs Connection

Building Resilient Communities (George Washington University)

This source has tools work during the 2nd Gathering and more information on the Pair of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experience and Adverse Community Experiences)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Center on the Developing Child (Harvard University)

This site includes many great videos, including information about how Toxic Stress derails Healthy Development, resources on Resilience Building in Communities, and a user-friendly infographic on Epigenetics, and more!

Community Resilience Initiative

Check-out their online store & resources

Healing Collective Trauma with contributions from Dr. Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart, an Indigenous scholar who developed the term "historical trauma"

Institute for Safe families: Philadelphia ACEs study

Menominee Family Support Network

Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities through Policy & Advocacy--A toolkit for Trauma-informed, Cross-Sector Networks

The National Family Support Network

The Truth about ACES

Developed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, provides an overview of the results from the original ACES Study

The Original ACES Study: In 1998, Dr. Robert Anda & Dr. Vincent Felitti published the landmark Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. Using data from over 17,000 individuals in San Diego, CA, this study changed the way many individuals view the health and human service sector

ACES Too High: This news site reports on research about Adverse Childhood Experiences including developmental, epidemiology, neurobiology, and the biomedical and epigenetic consequences of toxic stress. In addition, the site covers how people, organizations, agencies and communities are implementing practices based on research findings.

Story of your Number

A public awareness campaign that seeks to take the science of ACEs and toxic stress out of journals and into mainstream society in order to empower individuals through knowledge

Self-Healing Communities Model (SHCM) Webinar (recorded February 28, 2019)