
Awaaz is Duke Diya's biggest event of the year, happening annually in the fall!

A vibrant celebration of South Asian culture and heritage, Awaaz is Duke’s largest student–run production of the year! Performing arts groups around campus come together to embrace South Asian culture through incredible, energetic performances. Each year, the show revolves around at theme, and this year's Awaaz is Live from Durham, it's "Awaaz Night Live!"

Awaaz 2023 is on Friday, 12/1 and Saturday, 12/2 in Page Auditorium from 7-9pm! Bring your friends and enjoy the show!

Click the image to get your Awaaz tickets!

Are you a Duke student? Make sure you get your ticket for FREE!

1) Click "my account login" (highlighted in green) on the menu bar of the Box office website.

2) Log in with your netID.

3) Choose the day you'd like to attend! Duke students are able to claim a free ticket for BOTH days of Awaaz!

4) Add "1" next to the Duke Student option, and check out! This way, you won't have to pay the $1.50 service charge.