Aug 23: Please make sure that you have access to the course website on Sakai. If not, email the instructor and TA.

Aug 24: TA Office Hour is updated.

Aug 25: Slides for Week 1 have been uploaded.

Sep 1: Lecture video for 9/1 has been uploaded and its link shared via Sakai. The recording is missing the last 10 mins or so of the lecture. Please consult the slides for this portion of the lecture.

Sep 1: Slides for Week 2 have been uploaded.

Sep 1: The first set of homework problems have been uploaded on Sakai. The homework load is light, but please be regular so that you are not left with a lot of work before the submission target deadlines.

Sep 9: Slides for Week 3 have been uploaded. Lecture videos for 9/6 and 9/8 have also been uploaded and their links shared via Sakai. Because of the malfunctioning of a recording device, a substantial part of the lecture on 9/6 is missing from the recording. Please consult the slides for this missing part of the lecture.

Sep 14: Prof. Panigrahi will have office hour on 9/21 (Edited on Sep 15) at 4-5 pm and 9/28 at 12-1 pm. It will be in this zoom room.

Sep 16: Lecture videos for 9/13 and 9/15 have been uploaded and their links shared via Sakai.

Sep 17: The homework sheet on Sakai has been updated by adding two problems based on the last two weeks of lecture.

Sep 17: The slides for week 4 of lectures have been slightly edited for completeness. Please consult the new set of slides available on the course website.

Sep 21: The homework requirements for the first deadline of September 30 has been updated to 2 problems from the previous 3 problems.

Sep 23: The slides for week 5 of lectures have been uploaded.

Sep 24: Two problems have been added to the homework sheet. on Sakai.

Oct 10: The slides for week 6 of lectures have been uploaded.

Oct 11: The slides for the guest lecture given by Prof. Kartik Nayak on Sep 29 has been uploaded.

Oct 18: There will be two exams on Nov 12 and Nov 19. Each exam will account for 25% of the final grade. Both exams will be untimed take home exams with a 24 hour window. The first exam (on Nov 12) will include the topics covered in lecture till Oct 6. The second exam (on Nov 19) will include the topics covered in lecture from Oct 11 onward. There will be no final exam.

Oct 18: There will a reading project that students will have to do in teams of 3-4. This involves choosing any topic of interest in computer science, reading about it, and presenting to the class in a 15 min presentation. We will have the presentations on Nov 29 and Dec 1. The topic can be a new aspect of a topic covered in class, or something completely new. Please submit your project team and proposed topic with a short description by Nov 1. The reading project and presentation will account for 25% of the course grade. The remaining 25% of the course grade will be based on the homework.

Oct 18: A link to a guest post by Prof. Kartik Nayak on the topic of his guest lecture:

Oct 18: A preliminary set of slides on Artificial Intelligence has been uploaded. These slides will be updated after this week's lectures.

Oct 18: The detailed grading rules have been published on the course website. The homework requirements for October (now, at least 4 problems) and November (now, no specific requirement) have been updated. Overall, the number of homework problems that are required to be submitted has been reduced to 5 from 10. However, if you submit additional problems, these would count toward an additional unit that could replace your worst unit in the best 4 out of 5 grading scheme.

Oct 18: Prof. Panigrahi will have office hours on 10/19 at 4-5 pm and 10/26 at 12-1 pm. It will be in this zoom room.

Oct 18: The homework sheet on Sakai has been updated by adding one problem on cryptography.

Oct 21: The homework sheet on Sakai has been updated by adding a second problem on cryptography and one problem on reinforcement learning. The slides for weeks 7 and 8 have been updated and uploaded. (The two slide decks have been restructured by moving some slides from the Artificial Intelligence slide deck to the Machine Learning slide deck.) Lecture videos for 10/18 and 10/20 have been shared via Sakai.

Nov 8: Slides for lectures for the weeks of 10/25 and 11/1 have been uploaded to the website. The lecture recordings for these weeks have been shared via Sakai.

Nov 8: Prof. Panigrahi will have office hour on 11/9 at 4-5 pm. It will be in this zoom room. If you would like feedback on some of the HW problems that you have submitted, please come to this office hour.

Nov 8: The first exam will be released on Sakai at 12:01 am Durham time on Thursday 11/11 and will have to submitted by 11:59 pm Durham time on Saturday 11/13. This includes all of Friday (so if you were planning to take the exam on Friday, that's what you can do), but also includes Thursday and Saturday to accommodate students who have conflicts (or an unusually tight schedule) on Friday. All the best with the exam!

Nov 15: Slides or lecture for the week of 11/8 has been uploaded to the website. The lecture recordings for this week have been shared via Sakai.

Nov 28: Prof. Panigrahi will have office hour on 12/1 at 10:45-11:45 am. It will be in this zoom room.

Nov 29: I have uploaded the final version of the HW problem sheet with 12 problems.