Week of March. 25- March. 29


U. 3, L.2: WWI 


U. 2, L.3: Results of the War 


U. 2, L.3: Results of the War 


U. 2, L.3: Results of the War 

Assignment: in your notebooks, create a venn diagram(just like the one on this worksheet). Find as many of the common goals between Wilson's 14 points and the Treaty of Versailles. Place them in the middle of the Venn Diagram. On the sides, put into your own words the different aspects of each.

Both parts I and II need to be answered in your notebooks.


U. 2, L.3: Results of the War 

■ The League of Nations was formed, but it had mixed success.

■ The Treaty of Versailles changed the map of Europe.

■ Resentment and economic problems developed in Germany after World War I.