DUI Second in Utah 84404

Don't drive a car if you have used alcohol or drugs. If within ten years you get a second DUI charge, the penalties are much steeper. If you are convicted of a second DUI, it's usually a class B misdemeanor. But if you cause bodily injury to the other driver, or if a passenger under 16 was with you, or if you're over 21 years with a passenger under 18, then it's a class A misdemeanor.

A DUI conviction means you were incapable of safely driving a vehicle while under the influence. Imparity is defined as a blood alcohol concentration of greater than .05%.

Administrative penalties result from a DUI arrest instead of a conviction. A second DUI includes having your license suspended for two years, and then you must apply for a new license. If you refuse a chemical test, there could be a three-year license suspension, and the D.A. can use a refusal as guilt evidence.

When arrested, the cop will take your license and write a citation that can be used as a 29-day license. Be sure to ask for a hearing within ten days.

Criminal penalties are 240 hours jail time, or 120 hours in jail and 720 hours home confinement wearing a device. The fines are at least $1,560, and you may have to complete a drug/alcohol screening and substance abuse treatment or education. Supervised probation will also be included, and you may have to install an ignition interlock device (IID). License suspension time can be added.

If your blood alcohol concentration is .16% or greater, you'll be required to buy an IID, SCRAM bracelet, and/or electronic home monitoring.


Place ID: ChIJiSIrF_sSU4cRMv_WQ-l76Ns

MSC, UT 84404, USA