Board Members

Jesse Schomberg


"I'm a long-time trail user in Duluth; mostly running, but I also bike, hike, and ski, and our trails are a huge part of why I love this area.  I'm interested in DuFTA because I want to work to make sure that our trails are well-taken care of and serve the needs of our community members. in addition, I know we have lots of folks who aren't familiar with our trails, and I'm excited about working to increase the numbers and diversity of people using our trails." 

Lisa Byrne

Vice Chair

"As a long-time and passionate natural surface trail user I have noticed that foot trail users are in need of a 'place at the table' when it comes to decision making at the city level. There is a lot of opportunity for education on sustainable trail use and for outreach to the full Duluth community so that ALL feel welcome on our abundance of trails. "

Kristen Schmitt


"I want to help ensure that foot trails are recognized as important pieces of the neighborhood landscape, and can be used safely and sustainably by anyone in Duluth." 

Joshua Schomberg


"I have 2 young boys and I want to make sure trails are maintained and sustained for my boys and future generations.   With all the additional natural surface trail users we need to make sure we are doing all we can to advocate and support for all those beautiful trails we have in Duluth."

Cindy Hagley

Board Member

"Duluth has an exceptional park and trail system, but as a long-time neighbor of Hartley Park and avid trail user I've often thought there was a need for a group that represented foot trail users, just as there are groups representing other trail user groups. DuFTA fulfills that function."

Judy Gibbs

Board Member

"Since the mid-80's I have been an avid Duluth trail user and use them all. I helped with building the Superior Hiking Trail and then went on to work as Trails Coordinator for the city of Duluth, where I helped marshal through the Duluth Traverse and other trails. Trails get people into our green spaces, and then they begin to care about them and want to protect them. That is my main reason for getting involved in this group." 

Michael Koppy

Board Member

"As a runner for almost all my life and the last 20 some years a passionate trail runner I have the emotional connection that drives me to try to improve the trail running in the Duluth area.

A voice for trails has been lacking in the Duluth area and I think the DuFTA board has the potential platform to be a strong leader."

Stephen Moore

Board Member


Tyler Behrends

Board Member

"I am a family oriented trail user who enjoys using the many parks Duluth has to offer on my own, with friends and with my family (including dogs). As an almost daily foot traveler on the diverse trails in our community, I have first hand knowledge of conditions, interactions between user groups and dog issues. My core values align closely with the core values set forth by the DuFTA board. "


Interested in joining the board?  Let us know!  You can reach out if you'd like to discuss it more via E mail at or fill out our Board Interest form and we'll be in touch.
