Puzzle 1

This just can't be! Are you being punished just for touching an artifact? Or is there some other force at work?

You recall seeing a room off the side of the house with two doors. Maybe you can get one of them open and escape!

Alas, after shaking each door and trying to force it open, it is clear they are both locked tight. You realize that you have no choice but to complete these puzzles.

Looking around the room, you discover a recipe page is sitting on top of the stove's warmer box. The warmer box is unable to open. Could the key be inside?

You pick up the recipe and immediately notice there is something unusual about it. The symbols seem to correspond with those marked on the walls and floor throughout the room.

Need help?

The letters for each ingredient is scrambled. You must unscramble them first. Make sure you follow the instructions for entering the ingredients carefully. Put the ingredients in order from the top to bottom.