Welcome to Duc Nguyen's personal homepage
Dr. Duc Nguyen
Tohoku Institute of Technology, Sendai, Japan
Email: ducnguyen@tohtech.ac.jp
Tohtech: https://www.tohtech.ac.jp/dept/teacher/ice/ice2/nguyenvanduc/
Google Scholar: Link
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nguyen-Duc-15
Github: https://github.com/nvduc
I am a lecturer at Tohoku Institute of Technology(Tohtech). Before joining Tohtech, I was a researcher at Data Intelligence Department, KDDI Research Inc. I got my PhD and MS degrees in Computer Science from The University of Aizu under the supervision of Prof. Truong Cong Thang. My research interests include multimedia communications, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Artificial Intelligence. I have published more than 30 papers in international conferences/journals. I am a reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, IEEE Transacion on Industrial Informatics, ACM TOMM, ACM Computing Surveys. Now, I am doing research on Telepresence System, continual/transfer learning, and Quality of Experience modeling.
Academic Experience
Lecturer. Tohoku Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer and Information Engineering, Apr. 2021 - Present.
Research Assistant, The University of Aizu, Computer Communications Labs. Oct. 2014 - Sep. 2019. Advisor: Prof. Truong Cong Thang
Industrial Experience
Researcher: Data Intelligence Department, KDDI Research Inc. Oct. 2019 - Feb. 2021.
2022.12.19 : A paper co-written with HUST students is submitted to IEEE ICME 2023.
2022.12.16: My lab's introduction video is available on YouTube (link)
[Oct. 2022] A work-in-progress paper is accepted to IEEE CCNC 2023
[Aug. 2022] Our paper on short-form video streaming is accepted to IEEE MMSP 2022
[Apr. 2022] A conference paper is accepted for presentation at IEEE ISCC 2022.
[Apr. 2022] A conference paper is accepted for presentation at ICBIR2022
[Apr. 2022] A journal paper is accepted for publication in IEEE Access
[Apr. 2022] Two 3rd-year undergraduate students joined my lab
[Mar. 2022] Received 1-year funding from the Telecom Advancement Foundation
Publications: See full list here