2024 Annual General Meeting Update

The 2024 AGM was held at Duclos School on April 17 2024 at 6:30PM. 

The following Executive positions have been filled:

President - Lindsay Clausen

Vice-President - Jen Nichol

Secretary - Cassie Lesyk

Treasurer - Sarah Severn

Directors: Leila Brosseau, Kym Lord and Melanie Eide

Thank you to those who attended, we are looking forward to a great year!

Duclos-HEB Support Group Foundation

Fundraising Association for Duclos and HEB School Councils

Our purpose is to help provide extra opportunities and enrichment for all of the students at Duclos and HEB.

Items we have helped fund

Staff Appreciations
Bus Driver Appreciations
Outdoor Flowers and Planters
Funding for Field Trips