I haven't read the books either and I understand this is a mash up of two of them. I have to wonder why because so far I'm not engaged in the doppelganger storyline. Also, too many of the men look similar and I'm thinking who is that? or a name is mentioned and I'm trying to remember who it is they're talking about.

This is, indeed, a mash-up of In the Woods and The Likeness. I'm not 100% sure, but I do not remember the stories crossing over in the books. The only thing crossed over was Cassie. I'm pretty sure she finished the Katie investigation with Rob before the thing with Lexie happened.

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So yea, I'm not really sure why they're mashing them together. I think it's going to take traction from the stories. I actually enjoyed The Likeness better, as a book. But, as for television, I'm most invested in Rob's case.

I'm enjoying it, but will definitely say the books are far and away superior. The characters seem less likeable on the show than in the books, imo. Plus, it doesn't really do justice to Rob and Cassie's bond of friendship.

I have not read any Tana French and am only watching this show because it's in my genre. I find it a bit hallucinatory for my tastes and none of the characters are really likable for me. Also, the treatment of sex is more honest than on American television but there was one gratuitous naked female torso shot that startled me -- Rob and Cassie are engaging in a brief dialogue about the case in front of the peg board and right in the middle is a shot of the prone naked torso in the leaves. That was a cheap shot and unworthy of this show's quality.

Additionally, the show is way too slow. This could be done in half the time or released all at once for binging. Point being, for my tastes, it's not as good as some of the Scandinavian shows I've binged "for free" on Netflix and other Irish murder shows I've binged, so it's not really worth the month of Starz* membership. In for a penny, in for a pound -- I'll finish watching it but I feel slightly ripped off.

I really enjoy the relationship between Cassie and Rob. I'm hating how Rob is acting towards her. I'm glad she asked him "are you like this with all women or just me?" I felt bad for her poor boyfriend. When she told him she used to have sex with the prison guy, his face was so sad.

What has made Robbie's strange relationships with women clear is the flashback we've finally been exposed to. He was a child and (at least) saw someone he knew raped by someone else he knew with two others complicit. We still don't know what happened next in that scenario but that, by itself, is enough to confuse a person for their whole lives (if left un-treated) regarding intimacy with anyone ever.

*Have we got answers as to where his two chum "witnesses" have gotten to? Do we know who they are? (We may and I've just forgotten. I've heard so many characters mentioned and dismissed as dead or in New Zealand or something.....I've lost track of his two chums in the woods.)

I have some trouble understanding how the police force works. Cassie is a detective I guess but can abandon her usual responsibilities to go under cover because of "other balding, skinny guy?" That scenario is confusing.

Rob has needed heavy duty therapy for a long time. I recall one earlier ep where he said he tried hypnosis and listed some other things and nothing worked. Time to try again! He did act like an ass towards Cassie, who's been his friend and is keeping his job-threatening secret, but he's humanly decent - not accepting Rosalind's come on.

I was trying to distinguish between the two complicit accomplices who held the girl down and the two "chums" who were with Robbie as witnesses. We know what happened to the accomplices. I guess we don't know what happened to the two chums?

Jamie and Peter are Adam/Rob's young friends who went missing. I don't believe their bodies were ever found. Jamie's mom is the one that keeps calling saying they need to look into Adam. Young Cathal, Jonathan and Shane did the rape in the woods. We've seen adult Cathal and Jonathan and I believe adult Shane is the drug addict/homeless looking guy that's appeared a few times.

Also the mother who keeps saying, "Find Adam" is the one whose daughter went missing -- that's Jamie's mother. So I guess I should have put Jamie and that mother together and connected the "little girl with the makeup" they were creeping on (Makeup Girl is Jamie.)

Honestly, this show. Please, I wish it was bingeable so I could keep these people straight and not have to pay Starz $6.99 for one month of membership. Because I'm cancelling that shit as soon as this is over.

At this stage, many people seem to believe there might be a connection between Katie's murder and Lexie's, so I'm assuming they don't see it as a huge issue if Cassie looks into that case, especially given her undercover background.

That was Rob lying about what happened to "Adam". He's afraid of the other cops digging too deep and finding out who he is. This story has "Adam" dying in a car accident, though. I believe he said that the police ruled it an accident, but hinted it may have been intentional.

I do not think the men do look like each other. But it is confusing that the adult characters we see in flashbacks as children look so little like their younger versions. Again, by design...but again, this adds to the confusion.

It is hard for me to believe that ten year old ADAM/Rob who is blond and broad faced becomes adult Adam/ROB and is brown haired and narrow faced. But of course the story requires that no one recognize Adam. Maybe it will turn out he dyes his hair or has had plastic surgery. When I attended a high school reunion and saw people for the first time in forty years, I recognized nearly everyone without the help of name tags, except a woman who had graduated as a boy, and a couple of others I never knew well. This in spite of graying and balding heads and more especially weight gains.

At this point, nearly at the end of the series, it appears that both main characters have serious psychological problems related to childhood traumas, neither of which received appropriate attention in childhood. So...the story is at least as much about the mental/emotional problems of Rob and Cassie as it is about who killed Katie and what happened to Peter and Jamie. And it is clear that Ron and Cassie are much more than police partners. So it seems to be also a romance.

I think it will turn out that the murder of Katie occurred because of the murders of Peter and Jamie. Judging by the lack of commentary about the series on this site, it does not appear there will be a second season. And since the only way of having a second season would have been for Rob and Cassie NOT to get together as romantic partners at the end of season one, I am curious to see how the season ends.

I may be bailing. I just can't get into the doppelganger storyline. I thought French managed to sell it in the book, despite some gaping plot holes. Her writing is that strong. But I can't motivate myself to start the recording I made last night, so this might be it for me. It's a shame, too, because I like the cast and like her books, usually.

I'm interested in the Lexie/Cassie angle and how Lexie became a real actual person and how Cassie created her to deal with the trauma of losing her parents. I am NOT interested the Lexie/roommates story however. I don't care one bit about any of the four of them. I like the focus more on the Katy/Adam story. Was Katy payback for Jonathan's role in whatever happened in the woods? I mean, other than him helping to facilitate a rape. I also wonder if the show is going to provide some real answers about what happened to Peter/Jamie/Adam and why Adam came back and not the others. There is a lot to cover with only two episodes left.

And it's too bad they pulled the trigger so quick on Rob/Cassie. They really are the only ones who can begin to understand the other without judgment or fear. Despite the very first scene of the series with Cassie telling Rob they won't see each other again, I hope they are able to work something out.

As for Katy's murderer, I totally think Rosalind might have snapped and killed her. Katy was getting to leave their dysfunctional family and have an actual life. Something Rosalind has been denied her whole life.

Because they made the choice to put both stories together, it definitely has a rushed feel and some of the important points have been changed, including some of the characterization . Which is a shame imo. Tana French is far and away my favorite (contemporary) novelist. The best part of her books is the characters and slow build up of the detective duo's relationship.

I'm glad you brought up the seizure question -- remember that weird shower scene when he was gyrating all over the shower like he was growing a third arm? I was busy doing something else and not paying real attention. I had blissfully forgotten about it until this weird thing in the bathroom with the quicky. Ugh. So weird.

I thought it was because he fell out of bed and then landed weirdly on his neck. He was in the shower with the hot water trying to loosen up his neck muscles so he can snap his neck back into place. Not sure why that seemed to come back. He was screwing the roommate and imagining Cassie, maybe the stress of missing Cassie? I'm still enjoying this show and I do think there is potential for a second season. Depending on how this season ends, Rob and Cassie might have to leave their shit in the past and move forward and work on a new case. You can see by the flashback in this episodes and previous episodes (before they slept together), they have a great working relationship and a deep friendship. 152ee80cbc

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