Duarte Nuno Leite

Bem-Vindo! Welcome!

I am currently Head of the Life-Cycle Decisions unit and a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA), at the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy.

As a Senior Researcher at MEA I am working on several projects related to Demographic Change, Life-Cycle decisions such as savings, retirement and education. I investigate these topics both in the perspective of individuals who behave time (in-)consistently and on the incentives necessary to behave in such way. In a more macroeconomic perspective I am quite interested on the impact of demographic change on the design of pension systems, inequality, economic growth and monetary policy.

Questions regarding economic growth and development are also other fields where I have worked and keep an interest on.

Research Fields:

Economics of Aging and Life-Cycle Decisions; Policy Evaluation; Macroeconomics; Economic Growth and Development Economics, and Time - Inconsistent Behavior.

If you would like to contact me you can:

Send me an email: semedo-leite@mea.mpisoc.mpg.de or dnunosemmedo@live.com.pt

Add me on LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/duarte-nuno-semedo-leite-10b71122