Week 15

November 18th to November 22nd


Preschool Bake Sale: Preschool Bake Sale is on Thursday, November 21! 

To preschool parents, please have the items ready and make sure to drop off the individually wrapped bake sale items by 10:00AM. We appreciate your help and support!

Bake Sales: Below are some important guidelines to ensure a successful and fair event for all involved:  

Your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines will go a long way in making this event a success and ensuring that every child has an enjoyable experience. 

November 21-Bake Sale(Pre-K1 &K2)

November 27-29 – Fall Break 

Please visit dupeoria.org for details about each event. 

P:E every Monday and Thursday

Show and Tell every Friday(Please send a toy from home for this program, we will send it back).

Language for Learning 

Lessons 26 & 27

In which the students will learn:

-Action statements with yes and no questions

-Information: First/Last name

-Actions: First, Next

-Common Objects: Cabinet, Clock, Bookcase,    Desk, Book, Wall, Bulletin board, floor,        Chalkboard, computer

Language Arts:

Phonics: letter “K”



Number: 11

Shape or Color: Green

Comprehensive Curriculum Book:

Activity:  Play “I spy” with your child. Use descriptive words in your clues. Be specific about an object’s color, shape, or size. After your child identifies the correct object allow him/her to use descriptive words to tell about an object for you to identify.

Ex: I spy on the wall something round and it goes Tic-tac, (A clock). “Have fun”


Islamic Studies:

Alhamdullilah we are done with lesson 1-Our Identity

Lesson 3- Allah(SWT) is our creator- Al-khalik (done)

Lesson 4- First prophet Adam AS

We are done chapter 3-Prophet Adam

Chapter 4- Last Prophet Muhammad SAW

We will also learn the following this school year