Speed Certification

Do you wish your players were faster?

Are you a coach with questions about speed training?

As a coach, there's nothing more frustrating than having a team of talented athletes who don't achieve their goals year after year.

You know that they can do more but right now they struggle to compete because they're just not fast enough. 


As a coach, you wish there was something you could do to teach your team a better method and increase their ability to sprint. 

Sadly, you don't have any time. 

Between the technical and tactical portion of the sport you teach, there's no way you can do the research and develop the methods to help them improve how they run and increase their speed.

So your athletes struggle. They don't see the results they seek. 

And this leaves you feeling frustrated...

 What if there was a program that can show you a proven method for increasing speed and answer your questions about speed training? 

Hi, my name is Dave Tomlin. 

As an athlete, I had a decorated career in athletics in which I accumulate some success. I was the Pan-American Junior Champion (100m, 200m). IAAF World Junior Track and Field Championship bronze medalist (1994). IAAF World Indoor Track and Field Championship finalist (2003). Canadian Senior 200m Champion (1996). Later as a coach, I served as the Sprint and relay coach at the University of Waterloo (2003-2008).  Currently, I'm a coach and co-founder of Maximus Performance since 2017. I am a club coach and sports coach certified coach by the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) I've also worked with various sports teams teaching my proven system.


 I noticed very early on as a team coach, running isn't the main thing. Putting the ball in the hoop or scoring goals is the main thing. But, what we started noticing was, athletes started to break down physically, and they weren't recovering well. They weren't there mentally. As a coach, I was requiring something from them that they just couldn't give me. I asked for explosiveness, speed, and agility, and from most of the athletes, I got the opposite. I started to experiment with my program and I got favourable results. Just because an athlete shows with one athletic profile doesn't mean they're incapable of change.  Over the years I've refined my program and I'm excited to share it with you.


Athlete Experience

Having been on both sides of the table as an athlete and now as a coach, we, as coaches, are uniquely aware of some of the challenges and roadblocks we face, specifically relating to skill acquisition, tactical development, and time.  

I've taken my knowledge and experience as an athlete and as a coach for over 20 years and I've created a comprehensive program ready for my fellow coaches to have the same successes as I have.

Lateral Speed

I'll be addressing questions and issues that I've heard from coaches throughout my over 20 years of being in the " speed business". From my journey of being a successful sprinter, to now being a coach, I understand the drawbacks that plague coaches today. Allow this course to be the answer to some of your questions like:

After this speed certification program, you will have the ability to teach your team an efficient way of sprinting. 

It will increase your team's overall speed, and health, and put them in the best position to succeed. 

This program will seek to debunk some previous misconceptions and shed some light on the murky youth sports performance world. 

All coaches across a wide variety of sports can benefit from this speed certification program.

Here's a look at some of the topics I'll be covering. ⬇️ 

The Warm-up

The warm-up in youth-level team sports has become a useless throwaway time inconveniently situated at the beginning of practice/ games. Coaches and athletes alike treat it as some sort of plague that keeps everyone from doing what they really want to do. 

This module will change the narrative surrounding the warmup. As a coach, you'll learn the tools for a successful warmup and in turn, be able to design your own. 

You'll also learn the successful components of a useful warmup and what it takes to be able to implement it into your team today!


Max Velocity

The single most important position for maximum speed to an athlete. Mastery of the max velocity position sets up all the other positions. This section will help you teach and cue your team successfully.  


Force Absorbtion & Breaking Forces

Show me an athlete that can start and stop on a dime and I’ll show you an athlete that is hard to deal with. Coaches! You'll now have the ability to sharpen your athlete's cuts and explosiveness but only if you understand force absorption. Stay tuned,  this module could be the missing puzzle piece to your team’s success.


Deceleration & Change of Direction

An often under-trained component of sports is deceleration. I know coaches who feel that their athletes have the ability to decelerate or they don't. It's been my experience with athletes to get better all you have to do is train it. Team sports athletes are not world-class sprinters. Module 5 ties deceleration into COD in a practical and trainable way.


This course is filled with practical real-world advice geared towards coaches of all levels. 

The Speed Certification Program contains 10 modules + a bonus offer with specific advice about speed training.

