Fundamentals of Conservation Planning


This information was originally provided to district staff who registered and attended the Fundamentals of Conservation Planning Training at the University of Mount Olive in May 2023. 

These materials are useful to all district conservationists, particularly those with less than 5 years of experience. Please review the materials below and complete the accompanying worksheets and activities for each section to make the most of these resources. 

The additional tabs on this website contain material and information form the training course at Mount Olive. 

The FCP Course Materials tab contains the materials presented and discussed during the training.

The Administrative Materials tab contains pictures, attendance certificates and other non-technical materials relevant to attendees.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the materials, please contact Josh Vetter

Soil and Water Conservation Background

Watch the short documentary on soil conservation pioneer Hugh Hammond Bennett, the history of NRCS and soil and water conservation districts and the birth of the private lands’ conservation movement in the U.S. This video will provide a background as to why the Division and Districts exist in North Carolina.

Soil and Water Conservation Background.pdf

Introduction to Conservation Planning

Conservation planning is at the heart of the Commission’s conservation programs. We must become strong conservation planners to best serve the cooperators we work for and best use public funds to improve the soil and water of North Carolina. 

Read the Conservation Planning document, review the 9 steps to conservation planning and watch the three short videos to better understand the process of conservation planning and its importance in continuing the conservation success of soil and water conservation districts and partnering organizations. 

Introduction to Conservation Planning.pdf

Working with Landowners

The SWCC’s conservation programs are completely voluntary and are most often implemented by working with private landowners. Read the three articles on working with private landowners and view the four videos below. 

Working Effectively with Private Landowners.pdf
Working with Landowners ‐ General Questions.pdf
Learning from my Mistakes.pdf

Introduction to Resource Concerns

Resource concerns are at the heart of conservation. We work with cooperators to solve these issues, which will ultimately conserve soil and water. Watch the video and read the two documents on common cropland soil and water resource concerns. 

Introduction to Resource Concerns.pdf

Introduction to Best Management Practices

Best Management Practices (BMPs) are used as a possible solution to resource concerns. The Soil and Water Conservation Commission as well as the Natural Resources Conservation Service have developed many BMPs that are available to assist cooperators meet their goals and conserve soil and water resources. The videos below introduce you to some of the more common cropland BMPs. 

Conservation Crop Rotation

Cover Crops

Critical Area Planting


Field Borders

Grassed Waterway

Residue and Tillage Mgmt.

Precision Land forming 

Introduction to Best Management Practices_PDF.pdf

Introduction to RUSLE2 (optional)

These videos are optional. Please make note that there are 10 videos in total (4 with Part 1 and 6 with Part 2). The Fundamentals of Conservation Planning course will briefly cover an introduction to RUSLE2 and its importance for conservation planning. It is recommended that these videos are watched prior to the training as they provide a deeper understanding of the tool in preparation for the training.  

RUSLE2 Background, Part 1  (4 videos)

RUSLE2 Background, Part 2 (6 videos)