Research Opportunities

Area of supervision...

Areas of supervision

  • DSS Foundations, e.g. principles, concepts, and theories of enhanced decision making; formal languages and research methods enabling improvements in decision making. Theory validation must be carefully addressed.

  • DSS Functionality, e.g. methods, tools, and techniques for developing the functional aspects of enhanced decision making; solver, model, and data management in DSSs; rule formulation and management in DSSs; DSS development and use in computer-supported cooperative work, negotiation, research, and product.

  • DSS Interfaces, e.g. methods, tools, and techniques for designing and developing DSS interfaces; development, management, and presentation of knowledge in a DSS; coordination of a DSS's interface with its functionality.

  • DSS Implementation - DSS implementation experiences and utilization; DSS management and updating; DSS instruction/training. A critical consideration must be how specific experiences provide more general implications.

  • DSS Evaluation and Impact, e.g. evaluation metrics and processes; DSS impact decision-makers, organizational processes, and performance.